X11 Framing, Floor Joists (changing default Pattern, Texture color)


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In X11, I can't seem to change the default Pattern, Texture color of the "Framing, Floor Joists" where the colored Floor Joists will appear in the Perspective Framing Overview. Auto framing is on. What could I be missing?




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Pretty sure that hasn't changed (much) since X11, but you're only showing the Floor/Ceiling Platform defaults. This is a good place to start, but you also need to make sure that the Floor defaults are set to follow these defaults, and the rooms to follow floors. Framing defaults trickle down, Platform > Floors > Rooms, so it won't matter what the Platform Defaults are if the floors aren't following those defaults, or likewise if the rooms aren't following the Floor defaults.


As always, if you still can't figure it out, post the plan file.

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Thank you for your response! You confirmed what I had figured out by trial and error. I was making it really harder than it is.


Yes, I had changed every floor joist setting that I could find in the Default Settings. I just could not get the "Framing, Floor Joists" color to change in the Perspective Framing Overview, even by changing just ONE room's Room Specification, Structure, Floor Structure settings. I then discovered that I could make the color finally change by changing the Room Specification, Structure, Floor Structure settings in ALL (or select key rooms) of the rooms on the second floor.


So, to make sure I understood what I had discovered and with your explanation, I set all of the floor joist settings in the Default Settings back to their original settings. And I can now "toggle" the color on and off just by selecting all second level rooms and changing the Floor Structure Settings to change the color of the "Framing, Floor Joists" color to change in the Perspective Framing Overview. I love CA!

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