Should terrain elevation data always be on floor 0? Does it matter if 0' is higher or lower


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I have a terrain that has about a 75' elevation change from road. Is it best for me to make the road 0 and the higher point +75' or 0' the top where it is relatively flat and -75' for the road or does it matter? Don't know if program wise interpolation is faster one way or another?  Should terrain elevation data always be on floor 0?

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24 minutes ago, cbucks said:

Is it best for me to make the road 0 and the higher point +75' or 0' the top where it is relatively flat and -75' for the road or does it matter?

Doesn't matter at all. going from 0 up 75' is the same interpolation as -75' up to 0. Just be consistent and you'll be fine.


24 minutes ago, cbucks said:

Should terrain elevation data always be on floor 0?

Doesn't *technically* matter, it can be on floor 3 if you really want! I prefer it on 0 myself though because of the option that cuts a hole in the terrain where the structure is. I much prefer that hole to be made around my foundation than floor 1 walls. Floor 1 tends to cut more than it should and leaves gaps because of wall siding.

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