PDF backdrop image showing through CA items in layout


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Good day- and long time no post-:)

I am trying to create a simple drawing set for a small exterior roof addition to an existing home.

Based on the ARC requirements, a plan view and a couple elevations are really all I need.


The owner provided the basic PDF files of the elevations pages, and I have been able to create the 2 views I need- side and straight on.

The issue is when I send to Layout, the PDF background is showing through the new components - which is not the case in the elevation view in the plan file.


Any comments are appreciated.


Here is plan file view-





and here is the way it appears in Layout





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I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying the dimension number itself is in the PDF, but not the dimension line?


It looks to me that perhaps a possibility is the color elevation is masking the two elements (roof, dimension), rather than the PDF only showing on the layout..

You could check by going to the elevation view in plan and trying to print, with the "Print in color" unchecked

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and the dimension question:


Are you saying the dimension number itself is in the PDF, but not the dimension line?


Why not just put the PDF on its own layer and turn off the layer, or are you looking to show both, but dont like that the B&W layout shows through?


If so, why not sent to layout in colour?


If you are trying to mask some things in the PDF but not others, the other way to do it would be to put white boxes in your elevation to mask out what you do not want.


What I do in cases where I want to use the PDF as an elevation plus some parts of an elevation I have built in CA, I will use the masking boxes plus I will convert the elevation to CAD detail, and then remove anything I do not want from the CAD detail and then copy it back onto the a CAD detail where I have the PDF sitting.  And then I align it.


But before deleting lines from the CAD detail, I typically double check the scale matches the house on the PDF.


For instance I do this when I just want to add a window or Door to a house and I have the existing plans, if the existing plans(rooflines, details) are complex. I did it also once to convert a balcony to a closed in balcony with windows. I find it is a tradeoff in hoping it is less time than redrawing the house.


For instance to add a new door, I will draw a house in CA with the correct outside dimensions and add the door. I will import the PDF into a CAD detail. Size the PDF to scale. I will then create a white box where the door will go and put on the PDF in my CAD detail. This will blank out any siding lines. I then Create a CAD detail from view of the elevation. And then copy it over including the exterior line that is the width of the house (usually one below the door). I will then align to that line. Then delete that line, leaving only the door and its trim.


In your case, you may be able to just add the white boxes with the correct drawing group to mask what you do not want to see. The advantage of doing a CAD detail from view, is all the lines will be on one layer


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