Reference display layer hide parts of plan


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Is there a way to only display part of a plan with a reference layer? I would like to display the first floor but only the parts that aren't under the second floor on my roof plan. 


Or is cad lines the only way this works? 


The XOR doesn't seem to accomplish this. 



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There may be a better way but here is what I came up with. Make a copy of the plan and delete everything on the first floor that is under the second floor. with the second floor open on the original plan set your reference display to the first floor of the copied plan. 






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I use layer sets and specific object layer properties to control stuff like that. The key to making it efficient is to put in the effort to update your other layer sets for all your other views and saved cameras.

I made a light gray 'Reference' layer set of the 1st level (Reference Display Gray - main floor muted) and saved it as the reference to the 2nd Level Roof layer set. With only the first level items selected in the 'Reference' layer set that I want to see, you will then see the unwanted items that you referred to. Simply put the item you don't want to see onto it's own object layer (just copy the layer that it's currently on and rename it). In your 'Reference' layer set, simply toggle it off. But put in the effort to make sure that object is toggled on where you want to see it - like main floor and camera views.  Doors and windows are easy, walls sometimes need to be broken where you want it to not show up in the roof reference - part of the wall object layer may be 'walls main floor' and the other part may be 'walls main floor - not wanting to see in reference'. 

Using layer sets and individualizing the objects really lets you keep it all in one plan and not have to worry about updating multiple plans should you need to do revisions. 



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