Scaling DWG walls to Chief Architect walls


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I have been struggling with importing a DWG file. I called customer support and he recommended tracing the walls and then deleting the DWG walls. I started to do that, but the DWG file walls, compared to the Chief Architect walls I'm drawing in aren't to scale. How do I get them to match up? In the picture I attached, the blue arrow is the Chief Wall and the red arrow is the DWG file I imported.
I'm new to all of this and just trying to find the most efficient way to draw up these giant homes. Thanks for any and all help!


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and it looks like you DWG is rotated. If so, select all the DWG line and rotate using the transform replicate button. so that the majority of walls are 0 or 90 degrees


Then dimension between two different (as long as possible) walls, which have a known dimension. If the CA dimension matches the DWG dimension all is good, if not use the Transform and replicate to scale until they do

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