Second story addition problems.


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Hello everyone!


I've been using CA for the past few months, so I'm solely self taught with the help of some videos. I'm absolutely loving it so far. So much so that I went from using a retired college's copy to purchasing X14.


I'm having a bit of a hard time with a recent project that I haven't been able to figure out. I'm doing a remodel that involves closing in a carport, adding a garage, and a second story on top of that.

I had someone help me with some of the modeling and now they aren't involved anymore, so I gotta figure this out myself.


My model was too big to upload, so I've put it in my google drive


I had to adjust the top floor level and now I have a gap between the finished floor elevation and the finished deck elevation. I adjusted the floor elevation of the deck, but all it did was move the handrail up.




This portion of wall where the existing meets the new has a raised section. How can I remove this and the siding?



I want the roof to extend out with exposed rafters over the deck. I'm not sure the best way to go about this.




Any help with these issues would be greatly appreciated!




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2 hours ago, Jonathan3891 said:

I had to adjust the top floor level and now I have a gap between the finished floor elevation and the finished deck elevation. I adjusted the floor elevation of the deck, but all it did was move the handrail up.


Check your Deck has the Auto Framing (Regenerate) ON...... and the Retain Framing box is not Checked



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