Roof Issues


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I am trying to create a gable roof on the second floor of this house.  The 1st image shows the situation where I have to create a wall with "Roof Cuts Wall at Bottom" - much like a dormer.  When I pull the roof over to meet the siding (images 2 and 3), it creates a jog over my roof-cut wall which leaves a gap in the siding.  I have no extra breaks in this roof plane, but Chief is automatically creating this jog.  Image 4 is a plan view of the situation.  The file is huge and does not belong to me, so can't upload.  Anyone have any suggestion on what I can try?  Thanks, Kevin





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51 minutes ago, solver said:

Grab this wall and drag right.



Thanks Eric.  That works sorta', but now have this problem.  Is there a setting to tell Chief to build this attic wall?  Kevin


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3 minutes ago, solver said:


No.Things just need to be fiddled with.


Could you use Edit Area to cut out part of the house and post it?

Thanks Eric.  Took me a while to get the file reduced and took 10 minutes to upload a 23mb file - weird.  Really appreciate you taking a look.  Kevin

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So Chief hiccups, and we need to do a dive into the darkness, and heaven forbid, drag a wall?


I thought that for as common a wall and roof condition as this, Chief would step in with the automatic.


The automatic!  ;)



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17 hours ago, solver said:

Wish I could tell you the exact steps, but I'm not sure of them.


I changed the roof and walls. check the floor above for the new walls.


You could also reshape a single attic wall to fill the gap, but you would need to fix the small sloped ceiling below.


CHF_TEST_07-24-20 (eric).zip

Thanks Eric.  I'll keep fiddling with it.  Kevin

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