Seeking consult to help/advise on finishing floor plan


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Am a new-ish HD Pro user (about 30 hours over 2 weeks) - know lots about 3d modeling for animation, but too little about real world home construction/architecting.


Am struggling to get my floor/ceiling elevations and foundations properly specified - getting walls place how/where I need them also a challenge. 


Going straight to seeking help forum vs. posting questions which could take hours to explain/document my situation.


Building is 1900 era wood frame construction, 3 stories with a brick and stone sub-basement that comes above grade and built on a gradual hill/slope.


Seeking to work with someone who can review my model, find obvious mistakes, inconsistencies and get me back on track.


I (think) I've got the majority of the structure modeled using tutorials and online help, but don't know enough about how HD Pro wants foundations, walls, floors and ceilings specified. '

Thanks in advance for any offers/advice - motivated to get this model to the next step/level as it will be used to generate construction plans for builders asap.


You can reach me directly @ 






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I am here and available to talk.

I have used Chief Architect now for over 5 yrs now.

I can offer you help, over the phone

or if you so desire, we can have you pay me

something, that we agree on, to block out some time

paid for in advance on PayPal 

now if that works for you? Let me know

what you decide pls? These are some of my finished

Renderings and projects that I have done. Enjoy!







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Thanks Joey - that's exactly right..hope this can get sorted as I was confused by the response and where I was redirected?


Quick update on this thread  - I did get several responses from qualified people and no unsolicited or inappropriate responses.


Eventually I went with one of the people who replied for an hour of their time using screen sharing and voice call to guide me through issues I was seeing and they answered the vast majority of my questions and ultimately was worth the time. The going rate quoted was $120/hr - so I paid 2x the monthly rental rate for HDPro, but now I can actually use it.  :-)

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  On 5/15/2020 at 3:46 AM, BartonFiske said:

Thanks Joey - that's exactly right..hope this can get sorted as I was confused by the response and where I was redirected?


Quick update on this thread  - I did get several responses from qualified people and no unsolicited or inappropriate responses.


Eventually I went with one of the people who replied for an hour of their time using screen sharing and voice call to guide me through issues I was seeing and they answered the vast majority of my questions and ultimately was worth the time. The going rate quoted was $120/hr - so I paid 2x the monthly rental rate for HDPro, but now I can actually use it.  :-)




Chief does do training directly including 1 on 1 , though it is usually aimed at Chief Premier or Interior Users , many features in HD Pro are Similar or no different.



also check the Announcements Forum for the Free webinars - usually every Thurs at 12pm PST currently each week.



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