Two Story Spaces


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Which is a better way to build a two story space: Make tall walls with the windows stacked as one story? Or build a second story wall and make the plan open to below with windows on both floors? Also the high space is not a full story height in every area, but some is, so this does affect how the roof is built.

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I usually define the room as it is. If it is 15' high, that's how I define it. Your windows will behave much better when they are all in a single wall & then you don't have to worry about bogus flr & cl'g hgts getting in the way of window placement. I don't use "Open Below" room type much for anything other than stairways. Having said that, this doesn't appear to be as much of an issue in X6 as it once was.........but old habits don't easily go away.There used to be a "Combine w/ wall below" option in the wall spec dbx, but haven't seen that in a while.

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