Roof Cuts Wall At Bottom Removes Wall?


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Larry, wouldn't you need a beam in that location anyhow?  ...point being is that however you look at it some manual framing work is required for that condition.  I would love to see if you could get that to properly frame, since I commonly just finish this type of work in 2D.



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4 minutes ago, johnny said:

Larry, wouldn't you need a beam in that location anyhow?  ...point being is that however you look at it some manual framing work is required for that condition.  I would love to see if you could get that to properly frame, since I commonly just finish this type of work in 2D.



Yes it would require a beam but I almost never represent that condition in an as built plan for a remodel as I find no need to do so. I was mainly concerned about how to keep the wall from actually disappearing while removing the lower portion. Eric's method solves that minor dilemma.


When building the model for a new condition and representing that wall and framing correctly? I don't think it's going to happen in Chief, at least not automatically.

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