Choose the layer of manual Dimensions before drawing?


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Hi there

I'm wondering if it is possible when drawing manual dimensions if one can choose the layer that they will be on before I put them in. For example.

I've gone and done all of my floor plans with manual or automatic dimensions. Now I want to do a roof plan with dimensions, when I go to the layer set it pulls in the manual dimensions from before. It is possible while wanting to put in my next dimensions on the roof plan to already have them in the dimensions roof plan layer? Or would I have to change all my dimensions from before into a floor plan dimension layer, then start my roof plan and turn the new layer off?


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There should be no need to edit the dimension layer after drawing it.


Although Annosets are the best way to set things up, they are not the only way.

You can get to the same defaults manually by using Default Settings or Active Defaults before drawing the dimension.

Active Defaults is a quick way to change defaults on the fly - say if you have a need to change the default dimension layer as a one off.

Open Active Defaults, change the Dimension Layer, draw your dimensions on the new layer.

You could then go back to your normal setting by using an Annoset.

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