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Everything posted by rlackore

  1. My copy of the NECA national standard is old (2006) - it was updated in 2013, but the 2006 version addresses photocell controls only in section 5.0 Motorized and HVAC Equipment - Controls: If the photocell is independent of the fixture (maybe it's controlling multiple fixtures), then the NECA standard symbol may be appropriate, but realistically it makes more sense to annotate the fixture symbol with 'PC', and define what 'PC' means within your own electrical symbol schedule: Or, if you're publishing a fixture schedule (or specification), identify the fixture on the plan, then specify within the fixture description that it is to be controlled by a photosensor:
  2. He's looking at a laptop - much more difficult to swap or upgrade GPUs. Any laptop with a 16GB GPU is going to be more than twice the OP's presumed budget.
  3. Maybe I misunderstood - by the title of the post I assumed you are trying to rotate a Section/elevation camera. If not, then Solver's advice should work. Sorry if I confused the issue.
  4. Section/elevation cameras cannot be rotated.
  5. I've noticed that if you work with multiple windows on multiple monitors, Chief often gets "confused" about what layerset/annoset is active for whichever window/tab has focus. This results in the behavior you've described with the dbx popping up. This behavior has been mentioned before on this forum (or maybe in the Suggestion forum), so it's a known issue - though I don't think anyone has resolved whether it's truly a Chief problem (bug, etc.) or a quirk of users jumping back and forth between windows/tabs.
  6. That I7-7500U/HD 620 combo is getting old, and it doesn't have any dedicated memory or solid state cache, though the Envy does have plenty of main RAM for it to scavenge. Chief would run, but if you do a lot of work in 3D views I would expect the performance to be below average. It's also got a slow HDD. I'd spend my $1400 on a gaming laptop with dedicated memory and an SDD, or at least a 7200RPM HDD - there are plenty of open box and refurbished machines available from NewEgg, Tiger, Amazon, etc. If you're an HP fan, you can buy a new gaming Omen laptop (from HP) with an I7-7700HQ with 6MB cache, nVidia 1050Ti with 4GB GDDR5, 16GB DDR4, and a 1TB 7200 HDD with a 512GB PCIe SDD - altogether a much better option for $1460, brand new.
  7. I think Mark has it right regarding everything looking "stretched out". Here's a an interior with the Field of View set to the default 55: ...and the same camera with the FOV set to 100: Regarding your other issues, do as Kbird suggested and post the plan.
  8. Yes. First, create a new layer to hold your Auto Interior Dimensions: Then assign this as the default layer under Defaults>Dimension>Auto Interior Dimensions>Layer: Now all your new Auto Interior Dimensions will go to the new layer, which you can turn on/off as you please.
  9. You can do this with winders and an invisible wall. Pull both stairs back, insert a 45-degree invisible wall defined with a single very thin main layer (must be room def), define both stair sections as winders, then drag them back toward the wall and mess with the Tread Contraction value until they "join". 2017-002_E17-0082-9875 W Morrison Rd_AS-Built with mitered stair.plan
  10. I believe Allow Wrap only works for an outside corner, not an inside corner.
  11. Looks like the wallpaper from my apartment in '78.
  12. Here's a lever set with occupancy trim. Levers with Occupancy Trim.calibz Occupancy Lever is a lever with occupancy trim. Occupancy Lock is a lever with a thumb slide to set the occupancy status. In both symbols the Status material sets the color/appearance of the occupancy strip.
  13. I get the problem with any of the lights turned on. With ALL the lights turned off I get some very strange artifacts: ...still investigating.
  14. Attach the plan file and screenshots of your raytrace settings.
  15. That's really clever, so I gave it a shot. We use a lot of fascia-mount cable rail systems. I had to use some room dividers on the corners to get the corner newels correct: The remaining issues are 1) to get the handrail to miter at the corners, 2) to infill the corners with cable, and 3) the railing panels don't extend the full width between newels (with these particular custom newels). So, I like the idea a lot, but it's the details that make any work-around such a bug-a-bear.
  16. Here are two options in a library: PSL.calibz Material PSL 1 Material PSL 2 Here's a zip of the texture files: Textures.zip
  17. Different screens display colors differently. Screen DPI and image bit depth help determine color representation. So does the GPU, screen type (LCD, CRT, OLED, etc.). I suggest you color calibrate your monitor (the one you use to create the image). However, a calibrated monitor doesn't guarantee that the image will be rendered "correctly" on someone else's device.
  18. I posted the question - not Brown Tiger - he must have used copy/paste instead of quoting me. Moving object labels while in a Cross-Section / Elevation view forces a rebuild for me.
  19. I am referring to moving an object Label, not the object itself.
  20. Why does moving a door label, fixture label, etc. in an elevation view force a rebuild? I would think a label could be treated like CAD objects - they simply "overlay" the model and only require a screen refresh - not an entire model rebuild.
  21. It also happens when canceling out of a dbx, even though no changes were made. It's very frustrating.
  22. Can we be sure about this? For instance, let's pretend you have everything turned off except exterior walls. In order for CA to properly generate the exterior walls,it must determine how those walls interact with the rest of the building model, eg roof planes, window and door openings, etc. I'm working on a very complex model at the moment, and I spend a lot of time waiting for CA to regenerate views and autosave. Undo operations can take up to one minute or more. As an exercise I opened a 3D ortho view, and then selected the "All Off" layerset. It took CA 26.87 seconds to perform the necessary calculations to show me a blank screen. IOW, I think there's more going on than you assume.