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  1. Yes I can help - Anthony Del Nunzio - - 727-804-6283 - text or call thank you
  2. I'm in Pinellas County FL if your looking for a remote service Anthony 727-804-6283
  3. Hello,

    I have a place in the Tampa Bay area and I am looking for some training on Chief V12. All we do is the Framing on the units, But I do need to learn to extract out accurate materials for bidding, And all we do is Metal Stud framing.. May you be available to do some training for me from Time to Time.. I have never really used the software, But I am pretty good with Autocad


    Doug Biddle

    1. basketballman
    2. Tonyd33770



      Yes I would be happy to help with takeoff of metal stud work.

      Do you work with electronic plans (PDF format) for your estimates?

      There are better ways to takeoff quantities than working within CAD programs.


  4. I'm not a pro yet - I find in your plan the area to the right (br's) floors info does not agree with Liv Rm floor data
  5. I am a CA user X 11 have done re-mote work in CA - are you using CA software? My location is Florida Happy for the opportunity to serve you. Tony
  6. what happened - well inadvertently I change pixel size and parts of plan showed very heavy lines - pixel back to zero and all is well - whew
  7. Glad to help CA Premium x11 user send plan to: