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About DougDM

  • Birthday 09/04/1951

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    Bergen County, New Jersey
  • Interests
    Enjoying my Grand-kids, Golf, Photography, Riding my Harley, Shooting Pool

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  1. Thanks Robert, Yeah I may just do that after this job is done. I failed to mention, Grid snapping is off. I know if I set my dims default to Decimal and precision to 3-4 places (which I only use for engineered drawings of high precision) It seems to help a bit. But this shouldn't happen regardless of settings, a snap point is a snap point, a pixel x by a pixel in size. Therefore an Intersection being an intersection, end to end. line end to point, whatever. My graphics card is a Nvidia RTX 4090 ti with up to date drivers, so I doubt it's that. I just spent an entire day fixing things I thought to be aligned properly only to find otherwise. Snaps not doing the their job. If I'm at fault, I'll take full responsibility and first to apologize for the rant.. However in searching the grand ole web, I'm not the only one having this issue. AutoCAD has refinement variables in place to fix this. I'm wondering if CA does as well and I just don't know of them. Anyway... Rob, I thank you for listening, Have yourself a great day.
  2. X15, been using CA for about 20 yrs now and just noticed a point to point snapping issue. The issue, it doesn't work 90% of the time. I've been using AutoCAD since 1982 till recent and never had this problem. I decided to start using CA's cad from time to time a few years ago and never realized what was or is going on till now. Unless there is a setting I'm unaware of, I'm working on a job which requires a lot of line work, or lining up things with snaps (which I would typically use AutoCAD for) Anyway I needed to zoom in on a couple things and saw this (see attached). I started check the rest of my drawing and noticed missed snaps through out. A crazy number of missed snap points. I was wondering why things weren't lining up properly. Anyone else noticing this? I am absolutely using point to point, be it move, copy from >to, lines etc.and allowing the snap to highlight light before picking it's final destination point. When I zoom in, it missed, try again, missed again...and it's not just once. It's a ridiculous number of times. If I'm doing something wrong, but with 40 yrs using AutoCAD and 20 with AC, I highly doubt it.
  3. Thanks Ryan, more or less what I’ve been doing, I’ve been playing with layer sets, one with normal walls and materials and normal roofing materials. Then a copy of the normal layer set with same walls and roof plans etc., just no material patterns for siding and roof planes. Works pretty good. still need to play with line weights. Anyway, thanks again. Best regards, Doug
  4. JKE, interesting solution, but I don’t want to see any siding lines on asbuilt. The pattern tool does an okay job removing patterns, such as siding and roofing, I’ll toy with this when I have time, has possibilities
  5. Chief X15. Remodeling question. So I set up my wall types, add material for siding and roofing. Do all the fun stuff drawing the as built. Looks great in full render view. Now I throw on this massive deck. When I send my Elevation views to layout, I don’t want to see the siding or roofing patterns of the asbuilt. Just simple outlines. All I want detailed is the massive deck we’re putting on the rear of the house. I don’t want it to look like we’re building the entire house. I know I can put a blank material in place of siding and roofing material. But I still want 3D renderings at the same time. I know I can send it as a cad detail and remove all that I don’t want but that kills the live connection back to the model. How are you guys / ladies handling this if at all. When I used to do this in AutoCAD I just didn’t include patters or just turned off the layer. Can’t turn off the pattern layers in CA or can we and after 20 yrs didn’t realize we could. I could also make two layer sets with different wall and roofing materials as needed. Any help with this is certainly appreciated. Thanks
  6. DougDM

    Dutch Door

    Thanks guys, All done, sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. Life and work got in the way. Again, appreciate the ideas.
  7. I have a request for a Dutch Door, 1st do we have any, I looked thought the Cats. but didn't find any. Any suggestions to make one would be appreciated. 2 doors stacked 1/2 height perhaps. Thanks
  8. I hear you, when I have time, I’ll do it. Why it would be nice to have as an option.
  9. Yes I know, thanks just the same. I was more or less seeing what the response would be before doing just that, I asked for valley rafter over framing some 10 years ago. Took till x15. Might have been longer.
  10. Yeah there-is that, but doesn't add the grouping vertical line.that I now add after the fact, and sometimes it gets hidden if the text fill is in place..All which could be an on/off button with this menu or in arrow defaults.
  11. Yes we can, however... this is a format typically found when doing engineer drawings, In my experience doing them for 12 years especially when using tolerances. But not really what I'm looking for. Automation with a grouping bracket so to speak, that grows with lines of text and auto centers the leader. I definitely think it's doable.
  12. Unless I'm unaware of such a feature, wouldn't it be nice if we when inserting a leader with text and we have more than a single line of text, the leader a smart leader, would add a grouping line (don't know what else to call it) to the leader and would grow as lines of text increase. maybe a radio button to allow or not, and to take it a step further, straight or bezier leader. All in Favor, say " oh yeah what a time savor"
  13. Nice touch Joe, I may steal the idea when I'm remodeling my daughter's house. Throw in my grand kids, playing PlayStation or Xbox. LOL.
  14. VHampton, Pretty much what I do or how I present my elevations in my Construction docs. Nice touch with the color, I do that with my Photography, B&W with one object in color. Ole technique called "Selective Color" but I love it. Well done.
  15. Yeah thanks, I''m aware of all our options. I don't typically use JPEGS for con docs, I keep everything live so to speak, just in case of changes. which we all know happens all to often. This was just a simple project to give my niece some ideas, the opposite wall and shower area is where things are mostly happening so to speak. The photo's I used are actually ones I took of her and my grand kids at her wedding and some everyday pics I took. Just something on the walls. A DIY project she has going on up in Minn.. If it were local to me in NJ, pretty sure I'd be doing the job. Thankfully it's not. 45 yrs as a GC,/ New Home & Cabinet builder, enough is enough. Been doing CAD since 1982 when AutoCAD came out till present. CA for I think about 20 yrs. Another few years and it'll be time to retire. HAH!..where have I heard that before. Been saying that for a few years. In our blood, we love what we do. If this were for my con docs & permits, I typically use either Technical views or Hand drawn lines all set to zero for elevations. Building depts.don't care or really need pretty pictures as much as my clients and / or my subs contractors do. Even renderings, I'll just use a Standard rendering and post process in Photoshop. Twin Motions if I really need to go to a more extreme. Anyway, enough of my rambling. Again I appreciate you help and input. Thank you. Doug