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  1. as "they" say one man's ceiling is another man's floor. Keep in mind if you try to analyze every thing there is to build and every way to do it you'd never get anything done. The easiest way I do it is build that perimeter as you suggest. This can be anything you want that defines an area. Railings, room dividers, wall etc. Then spec the area you want open to open below. If you want a continuous wall in the tower then open the dbx for the walls (group select) open structure and make the walls balloon framing. May not be "intuitive" but it works for me. Hope this helps.
  2. Go to the room above, highlight and specify room as open below. You can turn off label if you want or change it to whatever you want
  3. Seriously? Argue about fire resistance assembly in a woo zee? In California? Now? I got two building inspector certifications in 1994, just to learn to read the code better. The #1 thing stressed in both courses was know how to read the its entirety Always check a definition as used in the code, especially if it is the determinate word. Better yet ask the AHJ
  4. PM sent Bye the bye the address in your post doesn't seem to be working
  5. Hi Amy If I understand correctly, you want those walls to be frame bearing on a footing below the slab. Draw the frame wall you want 4, 6, etc. open the dbx and define under wall type. Or just change the ones you've drawn. In the dbx under General the first item is foundation wall - check it. Go to Foundation 4 steps down from general and open that up. You can now spec your footing size, offsets, fill, AND layer. If you put it on its own layer you'll have control over the footing separate from the wall. Hope that helps.
  6. Right click to highlight schedule like selecting any CAD box or poly and you can move the schedule where ever you want on the page. Highlight and open the dbx and you can move it from page "0" which is why it shows on all pages. You can select any sheet in the dbx.
  7. The installers are no problem but verify you don't need the application (sketchup)
  8. How would it calculate the "exceptions" for a room using half the opening another room and reducing that rooms percentage? How about the window dbx / schedule has ability to calc. L&V based on the other info contained in the dbx? IE frame, sash, window type.....pretty easy to see if that would then meet code whether 4 or 5% and areas with mech. venting can just be ignored.
  9. Hi Karen, In the window DBX you can set the window depth (sort of) by adjusting the inset dimension in Sash. You can spec + or -
  10. Some places call it a rafter plate, some a roof plate. overlay plate.... In a framing view turn on the roof planes, select the reverse gable and open the dbx, select structure and at the very bottom is roof overframing with options - choose sheathing...overlay.pdf