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Everything posted by DianeP

  1. Is there a list available of the different defaults provided by the built in templates provided by Chief Architect. I am speaking of the templates which include american casual, arts & crafts, change, colonial, contemporary, cottage, country, country cottage, mediterranean, today's traditional, urban chic. It would be nice to know the ceiling height that is set along with the door window styles and heights, casing width, railing style, etc. It would make it easier to select the proper template according the project i am working. Has anyone seen such a list? How do you select the template to use?
  2. Outstanding! Thanks so much for the quick fix.
  3. I remember having this issue in x5 and fixed it somehow.... just can't remember what I did. Does anyone else know the fix? I don't want the elevations to print this dark. I would like them closer to what is shown on the layout page. I tried printing to a .pdf driver and using the save as .pdf, Same result. Any ideas???
  4. Thanks so much! Now I have at least one way to achieve the deck. Will have to work out the stairs that will come off it to the rear. Not sure if it is a good idea to have the deck with a roof on top of your house in coastal gulf coast of Florida. We have been known to get hurricanes here, lol.
  5. ShaneK, looks very promising. What steps did you have to take to get it on the outside of the roof?
  6. Can you give me guidance? I have a client that would like a deck on top of their roof. This is basically the look they are after for their deck and it will be a 16' x 20' deck with access stairs coming from the rear , i.e. backyard. The only difference from this photo is that their deck will be covered with a roof over head. How would you approach drawing something like this? I am using Chief x7. Have the SSA and can get x8. Thanks! Diane
  7. Oh, well I be danged. Thanks so much for figuring this our for me. Must have slid over it with my touchy mouse pad.
  8. Does anyone know why my plan is showing dashed green lines along the eaves and brown lines along the ridge caps on my color elevations? Turn off the color and the dashes are still there, just black and white. I have attached a picture and the plan. Thanks a bunch!!! Diane house plan DEFINATE E RP 2 F -FRONT REAR PORCH CHG.plan
  9. Hi Everyone. I have a client that would like a loft in the garage. I have tried building a second story leaving the roof sitting on the top plate, but when I do, the software seems to want to set everything to the same ceiling height. This won't work because the home has is to have 10' ceilings and the garage has 9' ceiling. They want the ceiling over the garage vaulted. The loft is to be in the rear over the entry door and coming out about 3-4 feet in front of the garage/ master bath wall.. There will be a window on the gable that they want to give light into the garage. The front part of the garage will open all the way to the roof. Can anyone help me come up with a way to draw the loft system without the program changing the ceiling heights? I thought about drawing a slab and raising it up...not sure if that would be the right way to solve this problem. So, I came to you all to see if you have yet another great solution for me to use. I have attached plans and pictures... although I think the picture is from a side loading garage, it gives the idea of what they want. This is drawn in x7. Thanks! house plan DEFINATE.plan garageloft.zip
  10. Thanks George. That was what was causing the ugly line I mentioned. I used the method mentioned by Michael and corrected it. Thanks for noticing what was causing the problem.
  11. Hi George, Only on the front where there is brick to siding. Is that the step you meant? The foundation has brick attached that I have lined up with the brick on the brick to siding pony wall on the front. It makes a line where the foundation joins. Not sure if there was a way to get rid of that line. Would be great if I could since it is ugly. Here is the latest on the plan. house plan3.plan
  12. solver, I sent the plan to them to look over. Thanks for the info!
  13. Thanks Mark!!!! The same height eaves on the build roof dialog was the answer for the full return.
  14. Thanks David. I did see under a different post that Doug at Chief Support wanted plans like this to try to get the program problems fixed. Do you know how I would go about getting it to Chief support?
  15. HI All, I have problems with the auto roof working on one of my garage gables. Also have two ridge areas over the front porch I want to get rid of and planned on doing it manually later. It would be nice to carry along with the auto roof working as long as possible, so if anyone has a fix please let me know. Thanks!!!! house plan3.plan
  16. OOPS! Thanks for letting me know.
  17. Thank all. David you helped with your answer. I did have the ceiling off on the rooms below, but I went ahead and turned off the roof above this room setting as well and that solved it on my laptop.
  18. Thanks Greg, Eric and Joey for trying to help. I was working on this project on my laptop in x5. I have always been able to see the open below on from the upstairs when I work on similar projects on my usual PC. I took the project back to the x5 on my PC and the open below works just as it is supposed to. I wonder if there is a 3D camera setting that controls the open below view. I have attached the picture that I took of this project from my PC. I made no changes, just opened it up and took the overview shot. Any solutions ideas. I want to be able to work on this and similar projects on the laptop, but I have to get this solved before I can. Thanks everyone!!!
  19. Solver, yours looks the way I want mine to, but unfortunately it isn't' turning out correctly. I wonder if there is a setting I am missing. Thanks!
  20. Greg, Thanks for trying to help me.In these pictures I added a washer machine on the first floor in the living area. (Not where I would have one but just to have something there that should be visible from the open below area) The 2nd floor seems to just have flooring for the second floor showing. It isn't open below and I can't see the washer I placed on the 2nd floor.
  21. I am trying to have an open space above the kitchen, dining, and living areas and it shows Open Below on the floor plan. However, when I take a 3D dollhouse overview and remove the roof planes or use the camera views, It appears this area isn't open below. Anyone have hints to offer. Thanks!!!! French remodel elizabeth ideas.plan
  22. Thanks Graham. Weird, I went to check on the setting and the 3D elevation came up right on the overview. I don't know what made it start working correctly.... Guess it was just putting it out there to the Chief Universe. Thanks guys for your help.
  23. Thanks Robert! Well that lets me know the problem may not be in a Chief setting, maybe it is in the Graphics Card??? I have a new HP Envy x360 with Core i7 Processor Intel® Core i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz, 2401 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
  24. I am working in x7. I have a project that has the texture patterns when you look at the cross section elevations of the home, but a 3D overview doesn't have the patterns. I turned on the layer 3D patterns. No change. Lloyd asbuilt.plan