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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. Ok then, the problem I see is that you can not use terrain features (driveway on Roads Layer) in a cad detail.  So if you want to stick with the cad detail and have two of them you will need to draw in the driveway using cad tools on the cad detail. Rather that drawing it you could create a "cad detail from view" of your Plot Plan Set and just copy and paste it into your cad details, what ever is easier for you.


    This may go beyond my level of expertise but now we are heading in the right direction and I will help as much as I can.

  2. Just a quick question here Roz, Is it your intension to have your plot plan as a cad detail or live within you plan on the Plot Plan Layer. You seem to already have two cad details that may be intended to be plot plans #1 "Bode Circle" and #2 "Trophy Oaks Drive". Are you trying to decide between 1 of two lots to build on?

  3. I am still having issues with posting on the Forum and have gotten into the habit of highlighting my text and hitting CTRL + C every time before touching the Post button or the More Reply Options button.  This seems to fail more predictably when the Auto Save Feature is not visible but I have also had the auto save work and then not restore my content.


    I am wondering how to get CA to address this issue?  Can I as the OP transfer the contents of this post over to Suggestions, or do I start a new post in Suggestions and include a link to this Thread?


    I think it would still help to hear from anyone else that has had a problem like this.  I don't think it can be blamed on rural internet service if it is a problem in Austin, Texas.

  4. If Glenn is correct you can go to your 2D Plan view and use the Fill Window Tool [F6] post-4797-0-13713400-1465615096.jpg and see it there is anything included outside of your known plan. And then try with all of your layers on or "All On" Layer set. Then you might be able to isolate it to one layer set by turning them off one at a time. I once launched a polyline solid into virtual space unknowingly and had to go and find it to get my cameras to work again. Quite an experience, I think I calculated it to have ended up about one third of the way to the moon.

  5. Unless you have more than 1 employee, I would pool that money and spend $2000 on the best processor and video card combo you can find with two large high definition screens. And if you can dig up any more cash spend it on a Solid State Drive.

  6. Sometimes it helps to slow down the camera by holding down CTRL & ALT while you zoom but it seems your situation may be more extreme than that.  It would help to know what version you are running and possibly your video card specifications.  Better yet save that camera and post you plan so one or the experts can take a look and help with your problem.

  7. Mike, You may not be doing anything wrong, the material painter has some deficiencies, most of which I am not fully aware but I have had trouble with painting polyline solids a white colour before.

    Try two coats of paint just as in real life such as you would never expect in Virtual Reality or open the object and go to the materials panel and change it there then post your results.

  8. Hi Matt, Please upload the .jpg file again so we can view full size. Delete the thumbnails that you have and do not click "Add to Post" this time. Also if you select to "Follow this topic" you will be notified by e-mail when there is a response to your question.

    Just a guess but have you tried to toggle the "Hide Terrain Intersected by building" button.

    If you go to Terrain Configuration Mode post-4797-0-47710300-1465585388.jpg and open Terrain Specification DBX (dialogue box) post-4797-0-11134400-1465585424.jpg under General tab at the bottom under Clipping.


  9. Rich, That looks great. Is that your home planet where there is no gravity? If so the lead balloon would work there too. Maybe next year when Chief gives us a few more cad tools it will work here on planet Earth. An overhead triplex service wire would be a great thing to be able to build. I built a hydro transformer last year but could not figure out how to hook it up.

  10. JOHNNY, ARE YOU TALKING SIMPLY MANUAL VS. AUTO.  Because I assume that once you have you bearing line or wall then you can auto frame or revise and reframe.  I have clients that change their minds a lot.

  11. Thanks Scott & Perry,  I thought I read a post about a month ago where nobody could figure this out, so thanks, great stuff to know.  I need that for my next build.



  12. Just select the view and then click on the little Relink tool in the edit toolbar. Not at my computer but if I remember correctly it looks like a couple of zeros overlapping each other.


    Yes I found it but for some reason it did not work the first time, I think somehow it was not available because the view I selected was on a cad detail within the layout file. But all is good now, so thanks. For others this is the tool.  post-4797-0-49109800-1465495654.jpg

  13. Awesome job and great thinking on the retaining walls, they look great. The closet ceiling just needs 1 layer added above the framing within the DBX, no need for p-solid if it is done correctly.  See post from yesterday


    We just need to help Scott get rid of his second floor and all will be good.

  14. Are you perhaps trying to relink the entire layout instead of the individual boxes?

    Yes Michael, I forgot that you could do that and can't find the tool or remember the procedure. This could solve many little problems if you care to re educate us.