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Posts posted by Chopsaw

  1. After searching for a CA training video and finding nothing looking through the Help files and finding nothing. I was able to piece together information from about 5 posts in the forum and create a door that should be in the Core Catalogue but is not.

    After finally figuring out how to create the door I need, I realized there was a problem that the symbol creation process has lost the majority of the definition of the panels and trim.

    Can anyone help me out with this? Have I missed a step or setting?


  2. This does not seem to be fixed yet and I still can't get used to it. Fortunately the orbit camera that I use the most works the best.

    I was working on a 3D modeling project and was having a terrible time with the full overview camera because of the tiny size of the hardware piece I was working on ( 3.5" ) and one click of the mouse wheel would zoom me about two feet at a time. Then I discovered a very useful tool "CTRL ALT Zoom". My frustration level has returned from 10 back to 1. I sure hope that this is not something that you all know and did not share with me.

    I did find this in the Help file but nothing about an override function. ( CTRL ALT Zoom ) WOW!!!

    The program adjusts the speed of these actions depending on characteristics of the camera:

    • Zoom speed depends on how close the camera is to the object located behind the mouse pointer. When the target object is far from the camera, zooming is faster; as the camera gets closer to the target, zooming slows.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Not exactly sure of your problem without seeing some screen shots but the CA 3D Library has a extensive collection of simpson products under the CAD section, available for download that have all worked fine for me. I have also found some 3D .skp symbols online in the 3D Warehouse that work great. You might also find Bart there to.

    There is a Edit Layout Lines Tool post-4797-0-84130800-1462512771.jpg that may work for your situation.


  4. Scott, I went back and turned off the wall fill again and noticed a very minor improvement, but when I turned off the "LIVING AREA" label  WOW !!!!!!!   what an improvement.  All the more reason to get that label fixed Brad.  You may find that the plan is slow but workable now and maybe try Perry's idea of turning off the door layer when you don't need it.  I sometimes wonder why the plan is still slow when you are zoomed in and only looking a few things, why does Chief have to concentrate so hard on the whole plan?  Everyone else had great ideas as well but some are beyond my present comprehension.

  5. Hi Scott, Your plan is rather slow on my machine as well ( but not the slowest that I have dealt with ). I suppose walls in Chief are more complex than they appear to be. You would know the answer to this better than I so just a thought, what about trying a cad detail view? I tried taking the concrete fill out of you walls and no improvement. No bugs detected with Windows security essentials. Quite a mystery. My GPU handles the 3D well, just the floor plan is slow???

  6. Sorry, I was just trying to figure out another solution for you and realized that my suggestion to rotate does not work.  I have not used the "site plan method" for a while now and would be interested to know if you are able to get a different result that way.

  7. Do you display the line angle on the other side of the line?  If you have that data available from the survey it looks more professional and makes more sense with the default length measurement.  Just an idea that I have used in a pinch before when things get tight you can make a quick copy of the line and displayed measurements, shift or offset it, maybe rotate in your case when not using angles, and change the line style to that blank one about 2/3 rds. of the way down the list after the . . . . . .  line style.  Then just deselect Length and Angle on your original line.  Just remember that your survey is no longer "live" when you do that so be careful not to change anything after.   Or create your own text box, but I find the other way better.


    Hope that helps if there are no other ideas.


  8. I recently tried to get rid of a end wall finish and tried the invisible wall connection trick without any success. Here is another post that I read at the time that might help.

    What I did to show the framing was to frame the wall and then shorten it to expose the studs. Maybe try the opposite.

  9. Thanks for all your help guys,


    I now have a quite realistic antique 3D reproduction door handle for my Library.  You all exceeded my expectations as I could not find anything like it in the 3D Warehouse.  The Deflection setting was absolutely critical for such a small piece and I had to set it to 0", also using absolute 0 makes things much easier.  Excellent video Glen.  On to bigger challenges now.





  10. How about the glass, any questions?

    I did my Muntins wrong please forgive me. Always learning with Chief but I don't think I like those tools that only appear after 5 or 6 criteria are met.  Makes them hard to remember.

  11. From What you have said so far I think this should be working. I got the rotation coordinates from the original cylinder that is still in position.

    I found the biggest problem as I was shutting down but still have a little one.

    Talk to you tomorrow, the sun goes down a lot sooner here.


  12. Hi Michael, This is a new tool for me and the help file is a little sketchy. I got this far ok but when I press "ok" I get a 39 1/4" diameter ring that I don't seem to be able to edit and it needs to be 1 1/4" OD.  What am I doing wrong?


    Just noticed your edit, if you think this is futile I will try molding polyline ( another newish tool for me )


  13. Trying to model a cove profile on the top of a primitive 3D cylinder. Is this possible in Chief or will I have to settle for a simple truncated cone?  I would like to remove the areas marked with X.


  14. If you do not have a window to take a picture of you can build one in Chief if you have the patients. Just construct your double hung or fixed glass window and open an elevation view of it and then apply 1/8" poly line solids in your pattern and change the material to a textured glass from the library ( I used "Corsica" ) then use the "Adjust material Definition"  tool to change the colour and shade the glass. Finish off by drawing a cad line in each joint and convert them to "3D Molding Polyline" (s) and you are done.  It only take a few minutes, just kidding, not the first time.  Good Luck.


  15. I took a different approach when I could not get the large right hand roof return to do anything at all I deselected it and set the wall to "Full Gable Wall" and then tore the whole roof plane away from the building with transform and replicate (x+30') which got rid of the return that seemed to be locked and then was able to rebuild as normal. Did some work on your wall intersections that may have also helped. There seems to be a corner board missing and I thought the upper soffits would look better flat so I did that. Hope nothing else is damaged. Nice Plan..


    Chad and Emily Lambert Fixed.plan

  16. I MIGHT BE WRONG BUT AM ASSUMING YOU ARE RUNNING "Chief Architect Premier X7" and I went back to check and this function "Floor Structure Definition" I believe is the same in X8 as X7.  So all you need to do to get a third layer is click the "Insert" button that I circled in red and then select a material over on the right side of the DBX ( Dialogue Box ) and set your 1 1/2" thickness on the new layer you have created.  I will search and see if I can find you a video on this for you. Do you have SSA?

    I would also be glad to look at your plan for you if it is X6, X7, or X8.



    P.S.  I just took a look at CA training video #10053 it is X5 and not SSA and there is a explanation of floor finish layers that functions essentially the same a floor structure layers.