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  1. I found the lens and roof mounted light, but no cylinder for the tube. Where did y'all find the cylinder?
  2. Well, I figured it out. I set everything correctly on the default set, but not on the VIEW!!!
  3. I'm embarrassed to say that I've been using Chief for about 12 years now and have never set up my default sets the way I want them. Instead I used some generic set and edited everything, which I know is ridiculous and time consuming. So, I'm trying to set up the sets I want. For example, I often do counter plans, and want certain things on those plans that are not in the kitchen plans. So, I set up the default set, and adjusted all the layers, setting up lovely Counter plan specific layers, and created a dimension default called "counter plan dimension defaults" that is basically the same as the kitchen plan, but on the counter plan layer. All good so far. Now, when I go to draw a dimension string, it says, "The layer, "Legacy, Dimensions is not displayed"... but it should be automatically using my Counter plan dimensions. I checked everything at least three times, so clearly I'm missing a step in here. I'd be grateful for any advice Thank you!
  4. Okay, I know this sounds like a kooky question, but I have a wonderfully kooky client I would like the bottom drawers in my kitchen design to be, say purple, then the next row be blue, and the next row pink, etc. I'm thinking the best way to do this is to create a cabinet that is the height of the bottom drawers with no counter, then another cabinet with no toe kick or counter, and however many inches off the ground to put it on top of the first, etc. This works great for presentation purposes, but of course, messes up my cabinet schedule. I'm thinking photoshop will have to jump in here, but thought I'd check to see if you folks knew another way to do this. Thanks!!
  5. I'm having a similar problem, which makes it quite difficult to properly dimension interior elevations.My wall is drawn to be 82", but I can't get a proper dimension! Did we ever figure this out?
  6. I send my views as "plot lines". I can manually adjust each and every lineweight (when it cooperates), but what I can't do is tell the system that I want all cut lines to be bolder. I'd have to modify it every single time, and if I refresh it, I start from scratch. There has to be a better way.
  7. Just to confirm, you're saying this as a hypothetical, not as something that currently exists?
  8. I would say that lineweights is one of my biggest beefs with Chief. Today, I took three elevations and converted them to details so that I could adjust the lineweights and make them more presentable. The difference between the two is amazing, which frustrated me even further. Is there anything I'm missing and it actually is possible to modify elevation lineweights particularly with interiors? I've attached the before and afters of my elevations to show a bit of what I'm aiming for. Given, the presentation one also looks better because I added poche and more detail, but we can see how much more depth there is when the lineweights are properly adjusted.
  9. JKEdmo is right, I'm looking for a default. I did drag them manually, but that's a bit of a nightmare for a large set!
  10. When I put leaders with text on my drawings, the default centers the text vertically with the leader line. What this means is that if I have several notes, it gets muddy and unclear as to what notes belong to what leader. I'd like to update it so that my leader line aligns with the first row of text or the top of the text box, rather than the center. Does anyone know how to do this? thank you!!
  11. OMG, Who knew that the doors would default as elevation beting to floor rather than finished floor!? Who does that?! LOL
  12. I'm on a roll today with questions - I've had this problem for a while and have been trying to trick the system with hidden lines to get my elevation dimensions to accurately represent what they are supposed to. I'm attaching two images, one that shows my dimension line from the floor to the bottom of the window, and one where I've opened the window and we can see that I've specified its height at 16". I've had this issue with doors and windows primarily, but I'm seeing it across the board. Any tips? EDIT: I discovered the issue with this window - it was not set to 16" Above finished floor - doors are still the same issue though.
  13. LOL, of course it's that simple! thanks so much, Eric!
  14. I have a wall where one side of it is a porcelain slab and the other side, as well as the end should be drywall. However, the porcelain is wrapping on to the end. How do I modify this to be the drywall, not the porcelain? It's not an option in the materials (why not, lol?) Thanks all!!
  15. Hi all, I'm trying to create an interior finish schedule for a project, and really don't need it to describe the manufacturer, finish, and underlayment under "floor finish" for example. I simply want it to read "tile" or "bamboo". Is this possible without converting the schedule to text?