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Posts posted by chief58

  1. Larry thanks for the video after you talked about it I was glad you posted it helps to understand the differences, we don't use them back east either but just might come in handy if someone would like to see or have them

  2. Larry I keep them on the pages I am sending them to like first floor plan and have the scale I am sending them under that text, if I change the scale then I just change the text for that scale, I can move them around in any manner I want then and to whatever page I want to have them on

  3. I love all the macr's and following the content on macro's as I try and am learning the TMM better, just wish Chief would let us manage the content in the TMM better as a lot have suggerted it get quiet congested in there and being able to setup folder in the TMM would be great, or if Joe or Michael can come up with a way they could sell it and I would be the first buyer :)

  4. This subject was discussed in detail in version X8 and thought Chief got the message with all the suggestions that were given, Steve I feel your pain and am one that is very disappointed that there have not been an overhaul of the stair tool I and many others that have made suggestion have been waiting and asking for this improvement for at least the last 3 or so versions if my memory serves me correct

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