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Posts posted by chief58

  1. 11 minutes ago, CrazE123 said:

    Ok so my daughter got the file zipped for me and on the desk top so hope this works! Please don't laugh too hard I've been working on this for a long time and I know there are many issues.. Be gentle! :)

    your plan did attach ok and looks like up until this point you are doing a nice job, not sure where you are located but I am on the east coast and have been working with clients and the program most of the day so I will have to check it out in the morning if you don't get any further tonight



  2. I think I would have to see how your wall layout is for the additional floor which would be your attic so I know where to make the rooms 1 1/2, I'm not as good as Scott for doing video's in fact I don't but maybe if you are nice to him :) he would do a video on this unless you post the plan or a pdf of the plan so we can see what you have

  3. 22 hours ago, ChiefuserMathews said:



    I am trying to model a hair salon for a client. where do I find chairs, mirrors etc from the library or where can i find it?  could someone guide me?

    thank you

    the last one I did I got the items from 3d warehouse and put them in my user lib in a seperate folder

  4. 5 hours ago, dshall said:


    Oh yes you outsource your tech support,  it is done by us poor schlubs who do not have a life.....  Glenn,  Perry,  Joe,  Chop,  Michael et al......  

    Scott and others I along with others really do appreciate you guys doing this along with many more on here a lot of times we get better and quicker answers so thank you all 


  5. I also have 2 lic and my son and we keep all our files in dropbox under the clients name I haven't seen a problem or he hasn't said he has and we are not in the same building, he does the structural from his house and I do the drawings from my office, we don't work on the same client at the same time, this is just us others might see things different or call tech support. We both use windows also