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About CandiSimone

  • Birthday April 12

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  • Interests
    Aging In Place Design, Space Planning, Residential Design, Small Hospitality Design (Boutique, Restaurant/Lounge)

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About Me

I've been in the field of Interior Design for 7 years now.  Once COVID hit I thought it the perfect time to go back and complete my Bachelor's.  I already had an Associates: "two years during a pandemic should be fun!  Give me something to keep busy with"!  Just made sense to go with Interior Design, since that's what I was doing for my career already. 

Well, that 2 years has turned into 4!!  By the time I realized I had to follow the program in the chronology set out by the college, I was too invested to stop. I am...a mature Senior Interior Design student at Georgia State University.  I still work as a designer, and I will graduate in May 2024!