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Posts posted by OldBarnDesign

  1. Does anybody have experience sharing a User Catalog among multiple users, say like in an office, if you have that catalog on a shared network drive? I know it's possible to export and import catalogs, but I'd like to make an addition to a User Catalog and it be seen by another user without having to export/import. At worst they would have to restart Chief to see any additions.




  2. I imagine somebody has seen this and it's a noob operator error...


    When creating wall elevations using a color vector view, I get a different color for the same material depending on the view. The variation seems orientation dependent as all "north/south" facing walls have one shade, and all "east/west" walls have a different shade. That would seem to indicate that it's a lighting thing but even when I turn off lighting in the camera views I still get the issue. With the images below, the cabinets in the top picture seem have a blue tint to them compared to the white cabinets on the right. Same material. And of course, you can easily see the difference in wall color. I'll keep playing around and searching for a solution but figured there it's something dumb I'm missing.









  3. Thanks for the replies, y'all are great. Here is a screenshot... so if I start Chief fresh and open the MOGL-House.layout file, it realizes it needs both the MOGL-House.plan file AND the unwanted .plan - Live Oak Farmhouse.plan. It finds and resolves just fine, and actually opens both referenced files it depends on and shows them in the project browser. What I want to figure out which thing in my layout it's using from that Live Oak Farmhouse.plan. One idea I guess would be to temporarily move the Live Oak plan to somewhere else so that it doesn't find it and see where the empty boxes are?




  4. Thanks for pointing out that little check button. Actually, the problem was that it WAS checked. If I uncheck it then I can modify the texture just on that surface and was able to fix it. I would have never guessed "Global Symbol Mapping" = "Same texture coordinates," then I went and RTFM'ed that option and there it is... I swear I search and try to find the answer before asking a question here, and sometimes it just sits under your nose. Thanks again for the quick help!





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  5. Hi folks, wondering if there is a better way to fix this texture alignment issue below. Two different surfaces, same material, the textures don't align. I know that you can horizontally and vertically shift the texture in the material definition but that shifts the texture on all surfaces not just the problem surface. Brute force fix would be to copy the material and horizontally shift the copy until it aligns, but I would hope there is a better way. You would think you could just shift the texture on the problem surface, because I would imagine from a computer graphics perspective, this is just a texture coordinates issue.  






  6. 1 minute ago, robdyck said:

    I'm sure everyone has different preferences. I only show story pole dimensions on exterior elevation drawings. I'm not sure what 'extra drawings' you are referring to...you can show that story pole on the exterior elevations using the technique I described in my previous post.


    Apologies, my brain missed the "Rebuild surfaces" part of your post. Kind of important :lol: I'm blaming the Texas heat and not my reading.

  7. I just answered one of my questions regarding the elevation saying in 10 1/8' rather than 10' 1 1/8". I reread it and realized it's a display format thing not a measurement thing. Man that was sneaky, my framers would miss that. I changed the settings for how the units are displayed and now it matches. 

    My main question is still outstanding.




  8. Hey folks,


    I just updated to for Windows 64 bit and now the Active Layer Display Options DBX isn't really usable. I can't dock/undock it, move it, etc. It does respond to some mouse clicks but not all and the only way I can get rid of it is by hitting the tool button. It looks to be some sort of window layering issue because you can see in a few spots the windows and toolbars rendering underneath. I've already submitted a case but was wondering is anybody else has seen this issue? It's new to me. Is there a way to retreat to a previous release?










  9. After hours of gnashing of teeth. I was able to get it, with a bit of a hack. Today I learned that in order for the roof cut the wall at the bottom the entire wall must be under the roof plane. I also had to insert attic walls on the second floor. The hack was to make a special wall definition where the attic wall in the bathroom was 3/16" thinner than my wall definition. I don't know why I had to do this, but my guess was that there is something else causing the problem that I couldn't track down. The solution is still not perfect because the ceiling doesn't join the wall all the way in the bathroom. You can see a little OSB. It's fine, I don't plan on doing some showcase rendering of this kids' bathroom anyways.




