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  1. Thank you both for your help!! This is very, very helpful!! A builder and I are in very early stages of this process, but the builder bought his own cabinet shop, and we are trying to figure what is the most efficient way to go about pricing the cabinet package. It sounds like it's best if we just do the cabinet plans with as much detail as possible and let the cabinet manufacturer put together the pricing. Like Gene said, it will help eliminate mistakes and missing parts. Thanks again!!
  2. Hello Everybody! I am trying to use the material list and more importantly, the "price" column. I design a lot with Medallion cabinets. Chief Architect does not automatically generate a price for Medallion cabinets, correct? If I'm understanding this correctly, I have to send my cabinet plans to Medallion Cabinets and they have to turn around and give me pricing for all the cabinets and components within the cabinet plan. And then I have to input the pricing for each cabinet and component into CA's material list. Am I accurate with what I'm saying? Thanks for all your help!
  3. Hello Everyone! I am using X16 Premier and I am putting together some renderings for a client. When I generate a camera view, some of the lights show as on and some show as off. I've tried a few things, like deleting the lights and reinstalling them into the plan. I copied the one that shows on. If I generate a rendering from a different angle, sometimes a different light will show as on and the others would show as off. I don't recall having this issue with C.A. versions. Thanks in advance for the help! I've attached an image to show what I'm trying to figure out.
  4. Hello All. Hope everyone is well! I'm sure this subject has been addressed and I apologize in advance if it has. I did a search and did not come across it. But is there a way to have the brick soldier course follow the arch around the opening? I've attached a pic of concerned area.Thanks for your help
  5. Hello Everybody. I have a question and I have a feeling there's a simple solution but I can't seem to find it. I have two different exterior wall styles. There's an interior wall that intersects the exterior walls. The ends of the exterior walls automatically snap to the center of the interior wall, (represented by the red line). I need the ends of the exterior walls to line up where the blue line is so that there is equal amount of wall space on both sides of the windows, (see elevation). It seems like the only way I've been able to achieve this is by pulling the interior wall back away from the exterior walls. I hope I made sense of all of this. Thanks in advance for the help!!
  6. Hello All. This might be a simple and I hope I'm not wasting anybody's time. I'm looking to put arch trim detail above a standard flat top window without any siding showing in between the top of the window and the bottom of the arch trim. Can this be done in the window specification box with the casing, etc.? Or is it just a matter of using polyline solids and making the casing thicker than small panel that is above the window? I attached a pic that shows a similar detail. The house will have siding instead of brick. Thanks in advance for all your help!
  7. Thanks everybody for your help! I'm a little embarrassed to say it was just my snap distance setting. Somehow it went from 12 to 1. Chief support said default is 12, I switched it back, and it's working just fine now. Thanks again
  8. Hello All. Hope everybody is well! I hate to bring up a very basic issue, but it appears my object snaps isn't working properly. I tried resetting all the object snap settings, closed down the program and computer and restarted. It may be just on my end. It appears I cant grab certain points, especially endpoints. This appeared to start happening just a few days ago. Could it be a mouse setting? I've attached the plan that I noticed it working improperly. Any thoughts?? Thanks in advance for your help! Object Snap Settings.plan
  9. Thanks everybody for your help!! I really appreciate it. I went with the option of using individual landings. It renders well enough for the client to visualize it in their new home. Thanks again!!
  10. Hello all! Attached is a pic of a set of stairs that a client is interested in doing in their new home. You see how the back of the stairs has a vertical riser as well? Is there a way to create this in Chief Architect? The only way I can think of is doing is with individual landings stacked on top of each other. Thanks in advance for all the help!
  11. Thank you both for the help. I really appreciate it. For a quick fix, I just changed the items to the absolute elevation option.
  12. Hello All! I'm working on a kitchen layout and the cabinets and ceiling beams are at different heights relative to the finish floor. Each ceiling beam have the exact same default settings and each cabinet has the exact same default settings. And if I delete the cabinet that is lower and just try moving the correct cabinet to proper location, it lowers as well. It's happening with the dining table and chairs as well. I've attached a few pics of the plan and 3D renderings to help explain what I'm talking about. Thanks in advance for the help.
  13. Thank you all for the help on this!!! I greatly appreciate it! Larry, thank you for the attachments as well. They came in handy. I definitely struggled a bit with this one, but I think I got it worked out. Thought I would share the result.
  14. Hello all! I am a CA X13 Premier user. I have a client that is looking to add a detail similar to what's shown in the middle gable just above the second floor windows. I attached a pic. Does anybody know a good way of showing this, so it looks close in 3D? Not only does it angle out in the middle, but it also slopes up on an angle. It's almost like a roof pitch, but I've tried my darndest to make it work with roof planes but have not succeeded yet. Thanks in advance for all the help.
  15. Thank you Ryan. I really appreciate the help! That worked perfectly for what I was looking for.