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Posts posted by HumbleChief

  1. Little strange as you found out too , even with the steel I beams spec'd all the materials stayed Wood  , but it was easy enough to change the material to  "Iron Rough" on those 3 joists in the 3d framing view , if fact I'm not sure you need that setting , looks like you need to go in and change it out to steel anyway.


    are your 2nd floor joists really 5 1/2" ?  or should they be 9 1/2" too?


    Have a good Sat.



    I think I answered all those question in the second vid and your observations were correct.

  2. I THINK I might use the same technique as Perry. I just shade walls various shades of gray (I usually use around 50 - get it?) as I've never really used color walls to depict various wall types, only grays and variations of gray.


    If I remember your original request and your remembrance of the way Chief used to work, I think getting that functionality back would be pretty cool and something I might use in the future, but never really took to using colored walls, and that could be because i didn't understand Chief could print those in Gray Scale and jpg's/pdf's in color.

  3. Well said Alan and I think the fear that one's designs will be stolen is a pretty natural thing until one examines the reality just bit closer as you (and others) have illustrated above.


    What real damage is done if your design is used somewhere else? First of all it will almost never be used in its entirety because of local conditions and clients concerns, wants and needs, and even if it was what really happens next? If your design is built right next to the house you designed then that's a different story but the chances of that happening here with the diverse community that inhabits this forum is pretty remote.


    On the other hand some us of don't really need to worry about our designs being stolen :D  :D  :D

  4. The ALDO is basically a non-modal combination of the LDO and the OLP dialogs.  When no object is selected it functions as the LDO.  When an object is selected it functions as the OLP.  The ALDO is configurable using "Settings" but otherwise it's only benefit is being non-modal and movable.


    None of these dialogs was intended as a way to actually edit an object.  For that functionality you have to open the object itself.


    For my purposes, I would much prefer having a non-modal and movable Object dbx.  I don't use the ALDO just because it takes up additional screen real estate.

    Non-modal operation in Chief is number one on my top ten list. I don't use the ALDO much either and I'm a bit sad about that considering how much work went in to it.

  5. I can see what your talking about Ben and I would think the print out is where it really shows because I have to go to 500% magnification to see it. Do you have theory on what's causing it?

  6. Will show WHAT better? Still curious. What is it that you're seeing so easily Richard? Maybe use some words, or a description, or point to the area you are seeing, as I think we all see the same screen shot. What is it supposed to look like?

  7. Let me just say that developing a one story 1200 or 1600 sq ft house is remarkably fast in CA.

    So I have found a tool that will work for my needs. The 3D views are great for analyzing the structure and

    eliminating problems with the design. So for that I thank Chief. This aspect of the program has been great.

    I am overcoming many of the problem I had initially with the software with the generous help in this forum.

    My prior 15 year experience with Autocad leads me to want more out of the user interface and better CAD

    tools form CA. I can't help it but i have been exposed to easier and more efficient ways to get things done.

    I am hoping that CA will listen to the desires of end users like me & improve the user interface.

    Thanks for listening.


    Post something in the suggestions forum, can only help get what you want.

  8. I don't see an issue with your posted PDF so it is kind of hard to comment on what you are seeing.

    Didn't see it either, but obvious to the OP and Andy above so I/we must be missing something. What is it supposed to look like?

  9. And another thing the pull down menu should have the "Casing Objects" layer at the top of the pulldown

    and not at the bottom. Seems like the CA designers are not talking with the end users for "Ease of Use Features"

    That's been a niggle with me as well. It's those small things that make the day just a bit longer.

  10. It seems a bit weird though as the usual philosophy is WISWIG "what I see is what I get" and then you have a choice to override this when printing or saving as a pdf through the print in color, print b&w or print greyscale. In theory setting to print in color should print it the way you see it.

    I agree, if you see the color on your screen, it should print that color from your printer. I'm sure the techs at CA would not argue with that sentiment and are working to get that straightened out.

  11. I agree there are some frustrating things about Chief (and most software) and have to admit I am really not sure what you're talking about but maybe Graham got the answer for you. Here it is in, perhaps, a little clearer fashion. I see the dbx got cut off from the screen but you should get the idea (and graham should get the credit for the answer and all the points :D  :D  :D ).


  12. I've had many such anomalies and the new update is supposed to address this issue. I can't see the issue in the pdf you posted but I've had large sections with just white space where there should be data/information. Don't know if the new release really fixes it or not.