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Everything posted by Steve_Nyhof

  1. Ah yes! Will so that. Thank you. I think this worked - .calibz included - Not sure if it is including my new image maps BnB Siding.calibz
  2. Ok, Now I feel like I have learned a lot and accomplished what I was set out to do so calling it a day... Next I plan to make up a few more horizontal sidings that will look good in CA and the material maps work good in TM. - Two maps, the IMG and the NML files. Roughness can be accomplished in CA and TM with controls/tools. Ignore my voice, it was late and I was very tired.
  3. Might be best to remove those first posts and/or details. I'm currently working on a B&B siding in CA and I think it's doing a good job. I'm using one of their materials and modifying it. I have learned over the past few years just to make white siding as my default and then I can color it to what ever I like. I have most of my materials connected to my template materials so making changes if easy and uniform... I'm including the files I was using in the video above.
  4. Hi Mick, Yes, I did update my background files to include grass from TM. Now when I place a model I need to erase the grass I do not want. You have a .zip file above with the old and that is fine also as it is another way of offering a nice settings. I have kept a copy of that myself. I will add a video here to explain other things I am learning about TM and materials... SORRY: VIDEOS HAVE EXPIRED. WORKING ON FIXING A NUMBER OF MY VIDEOS Background and grass... Materials and Materializer... PixPlant Materials... Here is a shared Spreadsheet of the Maps Details. Make a copy...
  5. FYI, I have been overwriting the as I have improved the file - it now has grass added from Twinmotion. Here is the link to both the and the Grade folder... (will need to be unzipped - see detail below) Here are the written steps to set this up... Video below showing the steps Background1-One has a little shorter trees so they do not over dominate the house Background1-Two has a taller trees so they still show up in the background I am including the file in the new post - Unzip and put the Grade folder into the same folder as the .tm files. Make sure to keep copies of these files. Because I am in the East, I do not have southern trees. Example: > Your computer folder > > Grade folder (some images the .tm file will look for) > > Background1-One (You can rename this to what your want) Example: > C:\Houseplans\Myhouse (folder) > > C:\Houseplans\Myhouse\Grade (folder) > > C:\Houseplans\Myhouse\Background1-One (file) I have a small gray square that faces the front of the grade and a large circle where your house will land. Open one of the .tm files and hit Ctrl+I to import your 3DS model file - it should land right on the circle. All CA models are typically drawn in the center of the paper, and therefore the same coordinates should drop the model on the grade in the same place. Note that you may need to lower or raise your model to sit correctly on the grade The background trees can be manipulated with the Vegetation paint tool The foreground trees are individually placed and can be manipulated and moved If someone gives it a try, let me know if it worked. It should give you a quick base to create fast renderings. Here is a video that shows the steps The difference now is that you will need to erase the grass from the driveway, walk and landscaping areas. The price you pay for having real looking grass vs an image map.
  6. I got more together and got some really nice grass put together. I feel like my environment is very nice and I can make it better from here. Do you have a video where you show how to apply the secondary maps to the model? Thank you, Steve
  7. I was reading this thread and not finding my answer. However, I had started my own thread and I found what I was looking for - maybe this was already assumed here, but I missed it... Maybe this will help someone else who stayed with X12 to move onto X14.
  8. Ah! That is making sense to me now. I'm assuming the maps can be applied to my materials, like siding? And I will look more into the backdrops - at the moment I am using the sky images I plan on messing with it more tomorrow. I would like to get the grass down too
  9. Yes, little by little I am learning... I feel like I am getting a lot closer now... See posts just above Thank you again for your help.
  10. Ok, so this is my final background at this point. I think it will serve my purposes very well. It should give anyone wanting to produce a nicer rendering than CA and possibly charge a nice $400+ , could be a nice way to make a few extra bucks. Video that explains some details and steps... Here is the link to both the and the Grade folder... (will need to be unzipped - see detail in above post for more details) Dark siding house example without any changes to controls - just dropped in from CA with 3DS file - no grade White siding house example without any changes to controls - just dropped in from CA with 3DS file - no grade You still have access to many of Twinmotion tools to control lighting inside and out, add landscaping and material for your drive and sidewalk as needed.
  11. Here is a little more that I am learning in Twinmotion...
  12. I've been messing with this and imported a white house, and for the life of me, I cannot get the house model and exterior trees, etc details to match. Meaning, the house just looks translucent, and no mater what I try to reduce the translucence it in twinmotion I cannot get what I want. Maybe someone at some point will have some work arounds.
  13. Here are the written steps to set this up... Video below Background1-One has a little shorter trees so they do not over dominate the house Background1-Two has a taller trees so they still show up in the background I am including the file in the new post - Unzip and put the Grade folder into the same folder as the .tm files. Make sure to keep copies of these files. Because I am in the East, I do not have southern trees. Example: > Your computer folder > > Grade folder (some images the .tm file will look for) > > Background1-One (You can rename this to what your want) Example: > C:\Houseplans\Myhouse (folder) > > C:\Houseplans\Myhouse\Grade (folder) > > C:\Houseplans\Myhouse\Background1-One (file) I have a small gray square that faces the front of the grade and a large circle where your house will land. Open one of the .tm files and hit Ctrl+I to import your 3DS model file - it should land right on the circle. All CA models are typically drawn in the center of the paper, and therefore the same coordinates should drop the model on the grade in the same place. Note that you may need to lower or raise your model to sit correctly on the grade The background trees can be manipulated with the Vegetation paint tool The foreground trees are individually placed and can be manipulated and moved If someone gives it a try, let me know if it worked. It should give you a quick base to create fast renderings. Here is a video that shows the steps
  14. See above for more context Here is a quick run through to add your model to Twinmotion
  15. Very good! I will look into that - thank you
  16. I found another post where users were trying to find better ways to generate more realistic grass, and further conversation brought me to Twinmotion to help me render elevations quickly. Here is a link to what I learned and shared on setting up an environment with grade and trees that is ready to import your CA model... Here is the link to both the and the Grade folder... (will need to be unzipped - see detail in above post for more details) UPDATE: Updated background files and details at the end of this thread. See steps in posts below to set up. FYI, I have been overwriting the background as I have improved it - it now has grass added from Twinmotion.
  17. When I tested the skydomes, my shadows and effects did not seem to apply the same. Like it was covering the dynamics set by the tools. I have only just dug into this so learning as I go along. I also tried to make some grouping of plants, select the group in the right column and save to library, but it only takes my last plant selected in the list. That would be a great time saver for setting up fast landscaping, although I do not plan to do much. Thank you once again, directly and indirectly helping me get into rendering. Steve
  18. Here is a short video with Twinmotion in action...
  19. The files for the above .tm grades
  20. If you like. I have included two File with grade and trees. Background1-One has a little shorter trees so they do not over dominate the house Background1-Two has a taller trees so they still show up in the background I am including the file in the new post - Unzip and put the Grade folder into the same folder as the .tm files. Make sure to keep copies of these files. Because I am in the East, I do not have southern trees. Example: > Your computer folder > > Grade folder (some images the .tm file will look for) > > Background1-One (You can rename this to what your want) Example: > C:\Houseplans\Myhouse (folder) > > C:\Houseplans\Myhouse\Grade (folder) > > C:\Houseplans\Myhouse\Background1-One (file) I have a small gray square that faces the front of the grade and a large circle where you house will land. Open one of the .tm files and hit Ctrl+I to import your 3DS model file - it should land right on the circle. All CA models are typically drawn in the center of the paper, and therefore the same coordinates should drop the model on the grade in the same place. Note that you may need to lower or raise your model to sit correctly on the grade The background trees can be manipulated with the Vegetation paint tool The foreground trees are individually placed and can be manipulated and moved If someone gives it a try, let me know if it worked. It should give you a quick base to create fast renderings. Here is a video that shows the steps Background1-One Background1-Two
  21. Many thanks to everyone in this thread to inspire me to step into Rendering my elevations beyond CA. Twinmotion was the key, and to answer the question of grass, yes, you can spend the time to make things even more real, but Twinmotion has a grass material with some options for roughness and striping that I think works great. Along with adding some trees to offer shade is a great look. I spent a few hours watching videos, and then a view hours making up a few templates in Twinmotion. Now I can just import a 3DS format model into Twinmotion and it can be done - as shown in my example below (with no landscaping). Today I'm going to be working on some landscaping, and maybe coming up with a number of plants I like that I can save into the template and just move and copy into place. Note that I imported my Terrain by itself as a larger grade slab into Twinmotion and painted that with the grass material (not the grass in the landscaping section). The I painted selected "random" trees to some depth so you cannot see through them, and then added specific trees to where and how I like them to look. I also set it up so that I can view the house model from the front, the left or the right and the background still works as expected. A big thanks to Renerabbitt! While I did not use his grass suggestions, I learned a great deal from his videos because they were more directed and relatable to CA. One big thing is to add to your model before export is some materials, slabs, etc that you want to paint in Twinmotion. I'm going to be working on this today for my dirt and landscaping areas. Enjoy the sun location and north (and other tools) to find the perfect look and shadows. Morning and evening shots with lighting inside the home are particularly satisficing. One rule of thumb in a picture that just looks right, even though the sky seems to be less important than the other parts of a picture, we see more sky in our peripheral view. If you pay attention to most art of outdoors, landscapes, sunsets, etc. you will note that the horizon is at half or lower toward the bottom of the picture showing more sky.
  22. You just move them up or down to make your joins, then move them back to the floor where you want them to display in your plan.
  23. Hi Rob, I tried this in the exact steps, but it is still doing the same thing as the video shows. Steve
  24. I did just send this to support, but wanted to know if anyone else was running into this - perhaps unwittingly...