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Everything posted by Steve_Nyhof

  1. Thank you! I should have thought of that
  2. Just for the record, I was turning the auto build rafters off
  3. This has has been a nice learning opportunity. I love that you can move roofs up or down to work on additional roofs. That is amazing to me.
  4. I think I figured it out. My roof was on the attic level. The rafters seem to show on the floor below - I also found the tools to raise the roof to another level to work on
  5. Because I also built my roof over the main floor, but now I want to put dormers in the second floor and I'm not real sure how to cut my roofs on other planes. I know i seen a video on moving roofs to another floor - but I cant find it back
  6. Very possible! Now I need to figure out how to turn it back on - the browser is not letting me upload my plan. Maybe I need to go back to an archive. Michael, I think I need to retain your services for things like this.
  7. Yes. Now I am opening the Build Roof first to make sure of my settings and it works from there. Maybe I am doing something that is causing the default to reset ???
  8. And now I am finding it un-checks when I leave the plan view to a 3d view and go back. That does not seem right to me.
  9. It is a plan from my template which does not have it selected. But after creating a new plan (from the template) I set the defaults to build rafters.
  10. I'm not sure if this is a bug, but when I set the defaults for the roofs to auto build roof framing, it works after I set it for the following roofs I build. But when I open the plan again to work on, I need to set this default back on. ???
  11. That was too easy! It didn't work right last time, but I pulled the wall back past the roof opening - that was the key
  12. I have watched the video of ChiefSkills by Steve Nestor, "DORMERS - Auto and Manual Types" Trying to use the idea there to cut my walls out of the living space. I think you called it "Cheek Walls". See the real picture and the angled ceiling. That is what I am trying to do. Any thoughts? SND1823 Klinke Residence.plan
  13. Thank you - I did find that description. However, I have numerous exterior wall types. Is there a way to give a description to each of my wall types in my User folders? When I update the defaults, it keeps my last change only.
  14. On the wall schedule there is a Description on the right - by default. Where is this value located so I can modify it for each wall type? Thank you
  15. Yes, that makes perfect sense! Kind of where my mind was going to get away from the break in the casing to extend below the 0 floor - Thank you again!
  16. I have a lot to go on now. I know I can pull off what I want. Thank you for all the ideas!
  17. You are right, multiple ways to pull this off. But what I am really looking for is the casing to extend down. I guess if we wanted some fancy wide casing on some base blocks, we would want it resting on the floor/porch with the kick plate between.
  18. That is exactly what I am looking for! So are you adding the casing from the door dialog? Is the kick plate - "has casing below" - how did you do that?