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Everything posted by DRyeHD

  1. Chopsaw, Thanks for the information. I have a long way to go but am determined. It sure helps to have a big monitor and some different perspectives open to see what happens - as you suggest.
  2. So I understand correctly, you are saying anything touching a wall effects the wall?
  3. Thanks so much. I'm learning. Dragging the roof plane caused the outside 2nd floor wall to disappear (maybe there's a way to prevent that). I was able to break and drag the roof plane where I needed it.
  4. I'm trying to find out how to extend the upper part of the first floor shed roof on the outside second story wall for an overhang. Any suggestions?
  5. Thanks for the quick reply and help on this subject. Now on to the next thing!
  6. Sure thing. I'm working on the new foundation wall now. I will complete my signature shortly. Thank you.
  7. I am new to CA and am learning by working my way up from the foundation. Typical construction in my area is concrete footing and 8" CMU foundation (16" minimum height). I set up my defaults and drew a 2-room plan (living room and garage) with 4" siding walls for practice. I, then, changed the garage walls to brick veneer. The brick did not extend to the footing. After some research and watching a few videos I've tried using pony walls and setting the brick ledge depth in the main wall type. I have attached a screen clip. It looks like the brick is just barely outside the CMU face. Would someone provide a solution for this?