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    Edmonton , Alberta " Canada"

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  1. Hello All Westerners, Are cheering on the Oilers?
  2. Hello All, Is there a way I can create a cabinet door schedule? P.B
  3. Hello, Creating a Canopy to cover the exhaust fan, any suggestions on how I should go about this? it's my first time doing so.
  4. Hello All, Hope all is well, I want to put a barn door style doors on upper cabinets above my fireplace where my TV will be inside. Any suggestions? P.B.
  5. Will do, FYI my signature indicates premier x11-13 i think i am in the right forum. Cheers
  6. Hello, When i attempt to import a DWG file in my model it seizes up my programme, whats going on? P.B
  7. Got it, Thanks for the help/Guidance. P.B.
  8. I have the Active display options poping up but not the Library /project browser. Where would you suggest i go to set this? Pat
  9. Hello, When i select the Active display, Library and project browser it doesn't want to pop up on my screen as it always did. What did i do? Did i change something in the settings by mistake? Pat
  10. Hello , I have generated my foundation walls with ICF Blocks but the block dimension is at 16" h x 48"Lg. is there a way i can resize these blocks lets say 18"h x 96"Lg? P.B.
  11. are e all doing ok? fellow Canucks.
  12. How would I post images directly??
  13. Got an issue, The drywall wont generate at the ends of a wall as you can see, i have several spots like it in my model. It worked fine before unless i did something in the settings without knowing. Any help? Chezzetcook Final.pdf
  14. What about my library and CAD details thats stored ? Same Idea?