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Everything posted by winterdd
i've seen several people able to record a session of CA to show examples and such. is there an app for this or is it something included in the program?
just a little familar but will look into it.
I wanna learn the spherical backdrops.
You dont wanna know. I downloaded a nighttime wallpaper with stars so it would show my exterior lights which came out great.
Does chief have any more backdrops to download than what comes standard? I made one for myself but it was very distorted.
ok, so you got me.......i forgot that option
i used the 8" cmu wall type....from there couldn't find the way to manipulate....
new project requires these size blocks for walls. how we can we manipulate the size to 4" block in chief? thanks!
How would i go about doing that?
Good feedback guys. What i listed above in my plans comes standard at $1 a sq foot. I have done this on the side since 04 and would like to go full time one day. My neighbor is a business man and he said not to think like he used too and price things too low. People view that as inferior. Raise the price and they see quality. Makes sense except when you go too high per sq ft it would be logical for people to go straight to an architect or engineer. Parkwest, i will throw landscaping on the renderings but very generic. I am still learning how to manipulate terrian dips and hills so if it's too hard i will make it flat and just note the dwg. Most clients have a site plan too so i just scan it to a pdf, manipulate it with the addition and add it to one of my sheets. It will show the surveyor company on there. If you look at CA sample plans they can be over 20 sheets. The most i ever got to is 14 which is why the reason im asking if i should be adding more detail by the way.
Here in the county i live in in alabama, the engineers always ask for the drawing file too. Long as im paid first by the customer i have no problem sending them.
Good feedback. In my neighborhood i have been in the homes and glanced at the plans an engineer has done themselves. To be honest, it seems like the only thing they do that i dont is add a crap ton of notes, call out nail sizes, qty and dimension the nails, add simpson strap details etc. Now that i am familiar with strap details and have had one of my drawings rejected from the county i now add them to everything i do.
Let me also add, when i say "stamped" the engineer will add multiple sheets into my package with their calcs and such. It kind of confuses me because if i call out certain material sizes on my drawings who is to say they will agree with and accept it? So far nothing has been sent back to me to match their calcs. My posts can get confusing, sorry!
Guys, i'd like to get some feedback on what you consider acceptable and how you provide plans to your clients. I am not a licensed engineer or architect but more of a designer and know home construction. Most of my plans need engineering and most of the clients know that going into it and are fine with it at their cost. My question is what really constitutes a complete set of plans before it goes out for engineering or architect stamps. What all do you guys include? I have found that my customers are content with what i provide which are: isometric renderings, floorplans with dims, electrical, doors, windows cabinets and fixture plan, schedules, elevations exterior and interior, wall section, foundation plan, floor, ceiling and roof framing plans. I call out all material as well. I will measure for plumbing if asked. I have never included hvac details other than air handler and condenser location. Is their anything else you guys feel i should be adding to be considered a full set of plans? How about you guys and your plans? Im just trying to continually get better because there is always room to improve and i have been slammed with business this year. In the years prior i'd maybe get one or two jobs a year, now i'm booking like three at a time every month or so, mostly additions to homes and a few new constructions. CA has really upped my game. Thanks
i use control for multi selecting objects but never for what you guys stated. thanks. i will check out the vid too.
hello guys, for those of you familiar with autocad, you know F8 is a button that is your best friend to turn ortho on and off. does chief have this command somewhere. for instance, when i draw a line, wall or even move text it wants to move in straight increments. can't we freely move things without being constrained? i am aware if i want a 45 deg wall i can draw anything and click it's properties and give it the angle. just seems kind of an extra step. another example and my biggest pet peeve, when i do my leader lines with text i want it to move freely as well and not in cheif's angle default coordinates. i have worked around this for about a year before asking lol.
i tried and the floors disappeared, lol. i rebuilt foundation and it went back to what it was. edit: you are right. it worked alot better when i went down to level 0 and used the dropper. way cool and alot easier. thanks
the client wants icf walls which im not too smart on at the moment but trying to learn how the construction works.
hey guys, got a new project. can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong with my stem wall height not matching. every time i make a porch/patio either by wall commands or railing commands the heights never match. i kept messing with settings under structure and now it's really jacked up. i'd like the stem walls to match all around the house. the garage throws me for a loop too since it has to be a grade level. thanks! plan file attached and a couple snips. p.s. the rear patio will become a screened porch once i get the heights corrected. i will also make the roof when its all fixed as well. Rosene.plan
Thanks guys i will check what u said.
the terrain shows in plan view but not in orthographic and the layer is turned on. never seen this symbol before.
perfect guys, exactly what i needed.
is there a way to make triangle windows? see attached...thanks guys
higher eaves worked.....love this forum
hey guys, i'm back, is it possible to get a boxed eave where i got it circled? looks weird otherwise.? plan file attached above in first post.