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Everything posted by ACADuser

  1. I found the way to import a ADA Unisex Restroom picture & then applied it to a frame. Sweet. I purchased chief yesterday so I could save my work. I am working on a small doctors office 39' x 91' The interior went well & I even created a walk through. (need some more work I was going to do this project as a parallel to my ACAD but looks like I can do the project in Chief. Only problem I see is getting the exterior correct. Looks like room labels are not totally controllable. I labeled all rooms & the small ones were too small for the labels. I scaled them in some cases & closets & mep room I did not want the dimensions or area so I had to hide the label & create a text object. Two of the room labels have disappeared twice so I have to go back & turn them on again. What's up with that? And the Living Area Label keeps returning to it's place of origin, moved it 5 time already. Frustrating. Off to do some electrical
  2. Thanks, I did find the plumbing & more but some of the selections like bar sinks & laundry trays have very few selections. I guess the extended libraries have a lot more selections.
  3. OK, another dumb question, I can't find the plumbing fixtures in this trial version? I see electical & I've installed some cabinets.
  4. Thanks for the replies. I have explored the defaults & preference's and set a few to my liking. I see the mouse middle wheel pan function does not work while within a command. Quite a disappointment. While in Orthographic floor overview, when started you can orbit the view but when stopped I can't seem to find how to restart the orbit function? Ugh, looks like no spell check in this forum, I'm in trouble. In the orthographic views how do you do a cut wall view where the walls are at perhaps 1/2 there height?
  5. Thanks for the replies, good info all. I am using Arch-T in ACAD which is a 2D & 3D program & had no problem understanding Envisioneer. All the buttons in ACAD are familiar to me but all Chief buttons are new so I realize it will take some time & I'm persistant. Back to the text, I wanted to do a global style change & save as a template not having to go to every style & change to Arial. If it was ACAD I would write a LISP to do all the work. Thanks again.
  6. I feel like I'm learning to crawl again. Just installed Chief Primer Trial. Have looked at many videos on the Internet & from Chief. I guess I missed the Chief 101 video. Open a sample plan & find myself in Layout #1. How do you get back to Model Space? (If that is what you all call it) In a new template file I want my default wall to be 5/8 stucco + 7-5/8 CMU + 3/4 furring strips @ 16" o.c. + 1/2 drywall I found all but the furring strips, although I added a 3/4 air space/ insulation which will work for the trial but not for future BIM I have a window I adjusted to my liking & want to update existing windows (Match Properties) How do I copy the properties of that window to other windows? Are there any preferances that you would suggest changeing? One thing I prefer is to pick a start point & then pick an end point but you must pick & drag to draw a wall. Can that behavior be changed? When you hit Escape the current task is ended & you are put in the previous task mode. I prefer to be returned to the Pick mode on any Escape. Can that be changed? I want to change all text & dimensions to use Arial Narrow. Can you do a global change? BTW I am a Autocad user which may not be in my favor for transitioning to Chief. I tried Envisioneer, even bought it but returned it at the 30 day mark. There were too many work arounds in the basic text, dimension & CAD work areas. The basic drafting environment was too clumsy for me. Hoping Chief will be more to my liking. Thanks in Advance