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    CAD design, Art, guitar, not necessarily in that order

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  1. Thanks Sir, this is awesome. I am studying it to figure out exactly what you did but this is great, I really didn't think it could be done.
  2. I am wondering how I would set up my main floor to be like this picture, ICF foundation walls with slab floor sitting partially on top of the ICF but inside the main floor wall framing. The double treated sill plate is total 3" thick so the bottom of the 4" slab goes 1" below the top of the ICF wall. Can this be set up or do I just have do do it with a CAD detail?
  3. Thank you! I guess I should have remember the "balloon through" from our last conversation. I still have a little corner up there to cover but I can take care of that easy enough.
  4. I wanted that partial wall to go all the way up as it will be behind a fireplace. But I suppose I could just build it as a polyline solid. It just seems sometimes like as advanced as this program is we still have to say things like "attic walls can be frustrating" and have to find workarounds for certain things. I expect someone will eventually chime in here with a solution and it will all be so simple, but it seems like there are several points in every project where I waste a tremendous amount of time on some little things like this. Anyway, thanks. I will probably just use solids which is the answer to so many of these issues.
  5. Ok Makes sense, I didn't see that. But still, why is that wall sticking out like that? I have tried everything including redrawing the whole thing.
  6. I have this weird attic wall sticking out into space. I have tried redrain everything and it it still there. Funny thing is, it only shows up on a full camera or perspective full overview. When I go to perspective floor overview camera it is not there. Wall problem 2.plan
  7. Thanks for all that. I didn't notice that little part of the roof sticking in there. But it seemed to be the ceiling height that really solved the issue. Dang, I don't think I would have figured that out.
  8. What is wrong with this gable wall? I just want it to carry all the way across and be interior below the roof and exterior above the roof and I get this. Wall problem.plan
  9. Thanks, I got rid of all the pdfs but I don't want to start deleting all my symbols and things. In the past I could just turn off the layers that the symbols are on and then they wouldn't take time to be rendered every time I do something in camera view. So it generates a camera view in maybe half the time now which is still way to long. Even with all the layers that the complex symbols are on turned off. I wish now I would have saved a copy in x15, I could just use that for this drawing, it has become pretty much unusable for me now. Anyway, thanks for the help. I will watch it with the PDF files in the future.
  10. I uploaded the entire plan files here. I don't know if I did this right...
  11. I have a house plan that I drew over the last year or so, mostly on x15. Recently I upgraded to x16 of course and the same house plan is incredibly slow in generating elevations and camera view. It is not all that elaborate of a plan, (though to be to upload here), and it worked fine in x15. I just upgraded my machine earlier this year before the x16 upgrade and I made sure I was getting the best possible laptop so I wouldn't need to get a new one again for a few years hopefully. I went through and tried turning off layers that had high surface count objects etc and even started deleting them. Just clicking on an object in a camera or elevation view and deleting would send me into a five minute wait. Generating a full overview or an elevation from a plan takes a full 7 minutes. I don't think I have noticed it so much in other plans, this is definitely one of my bigger plans but it is certainly not anything near as large as some of what I see others designing. I know without seeing the plan, you can't see if anything is amiss but i wondered if I am missing something simple here in transitioning from 15 to 16?
  12. Well for crying out loud. I feel stupid now. But I had to ask I just wasn't seeing it. Thanks,
  13. I don't understand that. When I open the file and opened that structure i have Lumber in that box. I have been through that many times. I opened it just now and it is still set to lumber but the cross section shows I-joists. Even when I open the plan from the file here that I uploaded, it still shows I have Lumber in that box, not I-joist.
  14. I can't figure this out, why the floor joists in the entry foyer on this cabin are I-joists? I have had this happen in other plans too and just can't figure it out. I have my defaults changed to 2x8 framing and the room itself I changed to 2x8 framing but nothing changes it when i go to a crass section. What am I missing here? Floor joist issue.plan
  15. This is a fairly common occurrence where my OSB sheathing appears to be showing through my standing seam metal roofing when in physically based mode. Any thoughts on this? Thanks garage.plan