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  1. That got me where I needed to be to get it reset. Thanks.
  2. Unfortunately when first given the option, I also chose to suppress the message option. I
  3. First time closing a linked elevation window after installing a new version, we get the option to update view when view is closed. I am wanting to switch the option and am not able to locate where this setting is. Tried searching in program help and chieftalk and obviously I am not wording it correctly or it isn't there. Can anyone assist with this?
  4. Mick, You are correct. Typically that is how I remedy the situation. In the mean time here I have confirmed that by updating to X16, it seems like this issue may have been rectified. I will update if I find otherwise but it may be good for anyone still on X15 that it is a known issue. Monte.
  5. I have been making this work forever but it has become really frustrating. Have multiple workstations and every time a file is saved on one then opened on another, I have to go through and check every text box to make sure there is not incorrect formatting on it. Happens on both the layout file and the plan file. Seems to only be a rich text thing but boy is it ever annoying and so time consuming... Any one else experience this and is there a chance anyone has a solution?
  6. I am not wanting it to update. That is the whole point. I know I can force it to update again, but I want it to stay the way I updated it. Thank you thought.
  7. This potential could result in excessive amount of rework or time required to deal with this change. I have sent the videos included into tech support so ignore the comments at the end about me asking if they need files. Has anyone else experienced this? Opening old files in X10 Desire to make revisions to a plan. So I save new layout, and relink to new plan I will be working on. Only minor revisions needed so I am not wanting to update every single camera... X10 didn't automatically update. See in video. Line stays in same spot after relinked to the new file. Opening old files in X11. Trying to make the same minor revisions now in X11, I all of a sudden have to go and do cleanup work to every live camera sent to layout because edited lines do not stay edited. Chief SSA told me that this always happened, and it is because the camera has a new ID. Not the case as shown in the X10 version. Video is a very basic model. Only trying to convey how edited lines move. Hopefully it isn't to distracting for those that understand what I am asking. ANYONE RUN INTO SIMILAR ISSUES? WHAT AM I MISSING? Chief_Architect_Premier_X10_2019-04-10_11-58-10.mp4 Chief_Architect_Premier_X11_2019-04-10_12-02-00.mp4
  8. I have been struggling with this same issue of automatically created break points on roof. Following this thread in case we hear of any solution.
  9. This is now password protected. Says it is free on your chieftutor.com sight as well. But no longer available?
  10. I was wondering if anyone knows of a good place to find some 3d models of recreational vehicles. I have already check 3d Warehouse and it really is quite limited. Needing to find a variety of units as I am working on laying out an RV park. http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/campers-2009-2011-3d-model/729689 I have found this site, but have not idea how they render in chief. They look to be images plastered on.... Anyone have experience with model from that site? Any one have models they can share? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
  11. I just tried to download the james hardie library from chief and I can not find it.. I wonder if they deleted it to fix this or if I missed out....
  12. I assume the library browser constantly disappearing is not fixed yet as it has been and is still happening to me.... Anyone know of a fix or is it just wait for Chief to solve it? I have saved a link to a video showing it happening... everytime I click on another monitor window it resets the library browser to the bottom. https://www.dropbox.com/s/thm3bto5dt7vq6p/clip0015.avi?dl=0
  13. Same issues here. Thanks for getting right on this and letting us know it is not just us.
  14. I have already sent to support and they were able to reproduce it. They had not heard of it happening before so I figured I would check to see if I was the only one. Turns out I am not. At least one other person....