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Posts posted by Designer1

  1. 17 hours ago, tommy1 said:

    This is what I'm using, molding profile via the window dialog. This is why I said I'm having no problems. Just looked at it in a cross section and looked fine.

    Tommy, if your using a molding profile, how does the molding look in 3d?  Does it have the brick detail in the sill?  If so how did you go about creating this?


    I followed chiefs tutorial back in the day using a brick and mortar and turned it into a 3d molding symbol.

  2. Tech support got back to me and its a 3d issue with the 3d moldings apparently. This is why it worked in X10 and below but X11 having issues with 3d sills. 


    Eric, heres the example Im talking about.  Same exact 3d molding in X10 and then X11.  I even went and built a brand new sill in X11, thinking it might have been an old molding issue but it has the same results as seen here.  The molding featured in the X10 picture is what Im trying to get in X11.  All previous versions from X10 back the molding has always worked with the same results as the X10 picture.


    Hopefully the X11 full release update will remedy this problem.  I know you can manually go to each window and probably do a molding polyline to make the sill look similar but it will take a lot more tinkering.

    X10 Brick Sill.jpg

    X11 Brick Sill.jpg

  3. Thanks Dermot and Nigel for working with me on learning what this bug was about.  Curious, how did you and Nigel forced the plan open without crashing chief?  Nigel sent me a copy of the plan altered with the auto roofs off and it opened ok.  My issue was even if I knew that was what was crashing X11 I still wouldnt have been able to even get into chief to open the plan and turn off auto roofs.  Reason I ask is this might be a handy work around should chief freeze like that again.

  4. Eric, I posted several pictures of the brick sill molding starting from post one from page one to page two with updated pictures.  I didnt post a plan because I figured it wasnt a plan issue it was an X11 issue as the sills have been working fine from like X3-X10.  To alleviate any questions that it might be the molding, I started a completely fresh 3d molding within X11 the same way I constructed the old brick sill molding and the results were the same, the molding didnt turn out in X11.

  5. Thanks Eric.  I was able to send the file in to Chief.  I originally was asking about locating the archive files because I was going to go around the newest messed up file and try and work with an older one and avoid whatever was making problems for X11.  Since Dermot recommended me to send the whole file in I figured looking for the archive wasnt important at this point.  So hopefully I will hear back next week what went wrong with the file.

  6. Tommy, I just remade a new brick sill in X11 and had the same results. The 3d sill molding worked ok in X10 but not in X11.   I sent it into chief and they too were having the same results I was and are looking into it further.  Are the brick moldings your using able to be used by selecting the 3d custom molding from the sill dbx in the window profile?  Im curious to how yours is working and mine is not.

  7. Glen, I wanted to go outside chief to access the archives because going within chief, even just selecting the file to open would lock up chief and youd have to force chief to shutdown and restart just to have it function.


    Joe, Im using an alienware desktop with two monitors.


    Dermot, I called tech support and talked with Nigel and was able to send the file into you guys.  Hopefully next week we can find out why that file is so strange.


    Thanks for everyones input, I appreciate it and have a great weekend!

  8. Eric,


    Yes I knew X11 is beta thats why I am working on something less pressing but still would like to work on it.  Im familiar with the preference folders once your in the plan file but what about accessing archives outside the plan?  Is there away to find archives on the c drive without even going into chief?

  9. I was working on a plan in X11 that started slowly locking up, meaning I would change the location of a wall and then it would basically do the hour glass thinking type thing and wouldnt ever stop and force you to use task manager to shut chief down.  It worked for awhile but the frequency of this happening increased to the point where once you opened X11 and selected the plan it would just sit and think about opening it but the progress bar would never get to the point of opening it up.


    This isnt a project that must be finished now but I did want to work on it. I tried opening X10 and of course that didnt work because it was already worked on in X11.  Where in the C drive can I access archives where I can select an older version of the plan and either try opening the older version in X10 or try another file that was from a few days ago to find out if that will work in X11? 


    I was thinking about just emailing tech support but dont think the entire plan will fit in the space required and I cant even open the file to erase a lot of the stuff to make the file smaller.


    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance!

  10. Thanks Glenn.  Yeah I saw that I just meant most these complicated roof types require a lot of custom roof planes (or at least I always thought so).  I guess Im having lots of issues with these because I don't do these roof styles often so Im not as familiar with chiefs different roof tools to accomplish this.  Thanks for the additional info, I will make sure auto roofs are off.

  11. Tommy, has your brick ledge changed the way it looks in 3d in x11?  The brick ledge posted above is the same one I used back when I first started this post over a year ago.  Im not sure why it doesn't even appear to be the same thing just a cement block for a ledge.  Im just trying to figure out what happened to it all. 

  12. Thanks everyone for the input.  Tommy and Chris thanks for offering the video help.  That video you posted Chris was very interesting in how she was able to accomplish the entire roof within the automatic roof dbx.  Everything Ive seen up till this point has been using custom roof planes and raising up roof lines etc.  I will have to go try out some of these methods from the video.


    Thanks again for all the help!

  13. On 2/6/2018 at 10:03 AM, tommy1 said:

    Yes, I too have a large library for lintels. I do a lot of historical homes and lintels for different looks.

    Has anyone noticed any changes with your library of sills and moldings in X11?  I posted some pictures from past versions of chief above but the same molding looks nothing like it in X11. Tommy, did you create yours custom in chief?


    Brick Sill X11.jpg

  14. Does anyone know how to create this curved roof that starts on the second floor and integrates into the curved eave on the first floor?  I found this example on chiefs samples gallery on the website of the closest thing I can find to what Im looking for.  I went on the tutorial videos and saw many videos on curved eaves and rooflines but nothing on how to get second and first floor roof lines to combine into one.   Any ideas?


    This is just a quick example box that I created to demonstrate what Im dealing with now.



    Gable Roof.jpg

  15. Thanks everyone for the replies.  Joe, thanks for posting those pictures as that made it 100% more understandable as Ive never had to mess with any preference plans for the last 16 years using chief so this was a new one. I have made a new plan template for myself but never had to mess with the default one.  Thanks for taking the extra time to post those pictures they sure helped me a lot!

  16. Yeah I cant seem to find what the name is for the default x11.  I guess Ill just reset the whole thing since its still new and hopefully it will just be the regular out of the box stuff.

  17. Thanks for the replies.  Previously in all my chief versions when I went to click on new plan it was chiefs default new plan and I liked it that way.  Whenever I started a new plan I could use my template by searching under new plan template.  Problem is now the "new plan" under chiefs menu is a template from my x9 and I don't know how it got there.  So if Im looking to reset it to whatever chief X11 new plan is how do I do that?

  18. Does anyone know how to reset X11 to just have its new default plan selected when you select "new plan"?  This is the first time Ive installed a new version of Chief and it pulled forward a new plan template from X9 whenever I select new plan.


    Thanks in advance!

  19. Mick,


    I actually went ahead and made the changes but then noticed when I went to double click in the center of a room it would select a door, cabinet or staircase in the distance of the room.  So I didnt like that reaction to the changes so when I went and changed them back to 12, it still kept the same bump behavior in that the cabinets would no longer easily push through the walls.  WHO WHAT HUH?!   Oh well just glad the double clicking in the room went back to normal as well as cabinet bump behavior.  What a strange and first time chief experience with this!