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Posts posted by Designer1

  1. Im working on a design right now where the second floor has a covered loggia (basically a covered balcony).  The doors that lead from the interior of the house to the exterior loggia Im having issues with the casing.  I dont want the exterior of the doors to have the same casing as the interiors of the doors.  However, since the outdoor room has a roof and is covered chief recognizes the doors as interior vs one side interior the other exterior.  Does anyone know what I can select to get chief to make a distinction between these two sides so I can have two different door casings?


    Thanks in advance!


  2. Ok thats strange.  Right before I took the steps Eric recommended to reinstall or repair, I opened and closed Chief completely four or five times...just trying everything before doing the reinstall.  After doing the open close several times...Chief Blueprint reappeared....WHO WHAT HUH?  So strange but glad its back!  Thanks for the replies.

  3. Thanks for the reply Chopsaw.  I went to check your suggestion and the font is there, however when I go into chief its gone??  When I click on default settings > floor and rooms > Room labels > and scroll to look for chief blue print its no where to be found??

  4. My Chief Blueprint font seems to be missing as an option when I scroll down to select the fonts. Im not sure whats going on here... where do I go to look for it?  Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance!


  5. Michael thats very tricky to do the barrel vault with the closet in between.  I usually avoid making the closet door within the arch because of the limitations with chief and go make a closet on the other side of the arch to avoid design complications.  What method did you use to achieve this?  I have X9. 


    2 hours ago, Alaskan_Son said:


    I'm not sure I understand what the big deal is.  In that particular situation I wouldn't personally be building that with the 2 short walls anyway.  It would just get built as 2 framed walls with a drywall (and maybe plywood) wrap and I think a single wall definition suits that situation just fine...



    I think at most in some circumstances I might add a couple CAD lines to show the plywood and/or drywall wrapping the opening...





    I think the problem I found with the custom wall that has the double wall is its more then just adding the one line representing the sheetrock, youd have to add the framing layer as well with fill.  Its these types of time consuming steps that I wonder why it has to be this way.  With everything chief being so user friendly, these small but time consuming tasks  dont give us a completely satisfactory outcome either in 2d, 3d or in CD methods.


    If we circle back to include exterior walls like I started with in this thread, I think the single custom walls have less issues when you thicken the composition of the wall.  For some reason even though the interior walls are much less complicated they seem to be more problematic.

  6. I was thinking for Chief being as easy to use as it is, youd think by now after all these versions that you can have the above applications both ways.  What do you think?  I mean I love both solutions but what if you could use a wall constructed similar to how its really built (either type of wall I posted) and have either the ability for chief to allow for any of its doorway arches to work and/or use the other custom wall type and have chief recognize the doorway and complete the wall type finish between the arches.  It just seems counter intuitive to take these extra steps to fully utilize chiefs easy of use tools.  Maybe I could bring this up to the developers? 

  7. Eric and Greenshell thanks for the recommendations.  WOW Greenshell your video was great, you do such a good job you should do some of chiefs video tutorials, I even like your highlighted arrow!  Thanks for taking the time to show me a few options with this, I appreciate it a lot.



  8. Eric, are you just using polylines to create that?  The options for the arch arent as easily created as the doorways in chief.  I wonder if its easier to just add 2d lines to the plan with fill to get it to be more accurate?  The time savings might be greater then opting to try and recreate other archways with polyline solids?

  9. Ive been updating my wall compositions to be more realistic.  Heres the question now... if you create the interior walls to be two interior walls set apart to be 18" it shows in 2d accurately.  However, in 3d you cannot create shaped arch doorways like chief offers.  On the other hand if you create a 18" interior wall composition it allows for chiefs doorways but then in 2d it looks incorrect, the arch is just a line representing the doorway with no framing.


    How do you guys work with these situations in chief... you want 3d to look great but you also want the 2d to be accurate?

    Double wall Floor plan.jpg

    18 thick interior wall.jpg

    Double interior wall.jpg

  10. Eric, yes I was referring to a few of the objects in the picture and yes one of them was above the door.  I think I might have to compare the two different tools for two different details. I think chiefs polyline subtraction tool is the most 'sketchup-ish' tool we have to create different shapes.  I will give it a try!

  11. Thanks for the replys.  David, If I use a double wall feature with a doorway in one when you move the wall with the doorway in it it cuts the same doorway into the second wall.  Its only works if you seperate the walls by an inch or so.


    Tommy, The wall I created was 18" thick with a 14" niche.  That way it can fit a piece of art of small table.  I like the niche tool because you can carve an niche shape or size.  It only becomes an issue if you make it full size to the floor in which you get the result in the picture. Hopefully in future releases the niche tool wont delete floor surfaces and will allow for base molding to continue if you choose to have it that way.

  12. Ok thanks.  I post the link of the picture Im talking about because its not my work therefore I show where I got the example from versus just posting other peoples work.   I know its nit picky but I like to be respectful to others work.


    Currently Ive been trying to just use polyline solids to draw the shapes and basically paste them on but in reality thats just like slapping tiles on the side of the stucco, your not really making indentations or holes in the stucco like the authentic details do.

  13. Thanks for the reply... yes its inside a room but I think since its an older plan there maybe other issues that are causing the stairs to not do what there suppose to do.  I guess this is just what happens when you are working with older plans and bring them forward to newer versions.  I will move things around and hopefully get it to work.

  14. Does anyone know if the wall Niches allow for full height?  I tried it but the floor covering is removed and the baseboards dont go into the niche.  Ive seen wall niches go full height like this but Im wondering if this isnt possible with Chiefs wall niche tool?  Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance!

    Wall Niche.jpg

  15. Does anyone know how to create these diamond shape cut outs or the window cut out above the front door in Chief?  Im not quite sure how to create these detailed cut outs or even indentations into the stucco like featured in this picture.  I know we have wall niches but Im not sure you could create shapes like this.  Is this even possible in chief?




  16. Glen, thanks for the reply.  What number do you have winders set to?  I had winders selected up to 36" because I was thinking thats the approximate distance from the furthest step to the wall, however it stayed the same and didnt move. 

  17. Does anyone know how to get the stairs to flare at the one side of the stairs but not curve?  I know about the flare/curve tool and have tried it to get it to fill in this space but it continues to have a slight curve to it.  Is there a magic way of getting it to remain straight along the angled wall and not have any curve to it?  


    (In my opinion, chiefs stair tool is the most weak feature... Im not sure how everything else and the kitchen sink has been revamped even slightly over the versions but this stair tool is the same one as it was in version 9...yes railing additions have been added but functionality is still cumbersome to say the least.  The tool needs a remodel like yesterday!)

    Irregular Stairs.jpg