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    Overtaxed Upstate New York

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  1. Does anyone have Gazebo plans they would like to sell (or draw if you don't have a stock plan). Building site is Amagansett, NY. Basically an octagon shaped with two risers going all the way around. Roof to be Cedar shakes, open sides. No curtains or flowers, just the structure. Thanks, Lane
  2. I would like to combine some elements in "Layout A" and some elements in "Layout B" into a new layout template, "Layout C". Both Layout A and Layout B reference CAD items in the plans associated with their respective Layouts. Is there a way to pick items from A and B, then combine them into C without constantly having Layout C referencing the plans that are associated with A and B? I would like the Layout C, complete with all of the CAD items to stand alone as a template without referencing any other plans or layouts. Thanks, Lane
  3. On my plumbing schedule, I am listing all of the fixtures. Some of the fixtures in the library, toilets for instance have an "Object Information" box where all of the associated information, i.e. Manufacturer, Model #, Color, etc. can be added so it appears in the Plumbing Schedule. I am trying to add an undermount bathroom sink, but the only options I see in the library do not have the "Object Information" box, so I cannot add the required information. Is there a way to do something with the Symbol so the Object Information can be added to the Schedule? Thanks
  4. Finally got it. Thanks a million!
  5. I am still stuck. I have a layer "Auto Story Pole Dimensions 2" It is set to 3/8" Text. The Dimesions Default is 3/8" Dimensions re size, text does not. It is on Elevation E1/A2 I appreciate all the help. Nelson,_Building_Permit_Plan.plan
  6. I tried everything, and I can change everything except the text size. Is this just another Chief work around that wastes hours and hours of time? Very frustrating to say the least. In my case, changing the layer does nothing at all.
  7. How do you change the text size for Auto Story Pole Dimensions? I changed the dimension size, changed the arrow, but how do you change the text size? Thanks, Lane
  8. I do not know what the structure will be. There will be a note on the plan saying to the effect "Roof panel design by others". What I would like to show is a steel frame, probably a C Channel with glass panels overlay. But, I did a conventional roof with skylights, that gives the look I needed. Thanks, Lane
  9. I have a design that calls for a glass roof panels. It will be a shed roof. The library has some options for solar rooms, but none for a roof that I saw. How do I create such a beast? Thanks, Lane
  10. Hereabouts, any fire sprinkler plan has to be submitted with calculations, including water volume availability from whatever water source you are using, along with complete schematics, head sizes, pipe sizes, volume required, pressure required, etc. I stay away from it and sub it out to a friend who is in that business.
  11. This is how I did it. 1. Place the first electrical item. 2. Create the Electrical Schedule (I do it as a CAD Detail) 3. Open the Electrical Schedule Specification Box 4. Click on Labels. 5. Under "Labels" go down to "Callout Size" 6. Click "Size" and input the size you want to use. I use 7 because it works well with the text size of 3/32". I use 3/32" because that is the minimum size permitted by most municipalities in my area. 7. I also delete the "E" in the "Label Prefix" Box. On the Electrical Plan only Electrical Labels will show, so I don't see the need to have an "E" for the label prefix. That should do it. I hope I understood your question and I hope this helps.
  12. Yes I did. I do not seem to have the button needed to create the material list from the polyline. As for excluding materials I cant find that at all. I see where you can uncheck it from the schedule, but that still includes it in the marerial list.