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    Williamsburg, VA "Birthplace of the European invasion"

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  1. Whaaaat? You can learn something everyday on here!
  2. Anyone else having trouble rebuilding framing? Every time I try, I'm crashing.
  3. Yeah, I downloaded the 526.98 Navidia driver, and then was able to copy the changes from the corrupted file and paste them into a backup file, so far so good! At least I didn't have re-draw everything.
  4. Researching this, I came across another user w/ the same problem. Seems I need to download an old version driver from November 526.98. Fingers crossed
  5. How can I find the November driver 526.98? I only see the latest one 528.02 on the Nvidia website.
  6. Does anyone know what would cause this? If I try to revert to a backup file it created the same error. I tried to debug to no avail, is there another way to debug and/or uncorrupt the file?
  7. I reset it to the defaults and it showed up... Kinda strange, where was it? Thanks, Mick!
  8. When I try to import a DWG file, I can't see my DBX, any clues where it might be?
  9. What's the deal w/ wrapping stairs, and why can't I ever get them to miter???
  10. Yeah, I include the detail w/ my plans and I include the headers in my schedules, but when there is a portal frame needed I will just mask over the header in the schedule w/ text and the proper length needed... I was hoping someone had a better get around though.
  11. So, I'm sure most of you are familiar w/ this detail, but how can I get CA to frame the header properly and not just for the size of the opening? Figure R602.10.6.4 - CS-PF.pdf
  12. Is there a way to lock what floor is displayed in the reference display? My referenced display always seems to default to the same current floor I'm on (i.e. 1st floor open w/ 1st floor referenced on top of it). I know how to change it, but happens every time I leave the plan view and come back to it, causing me to manually change it every time. I don't remember the previous versions doing this, is there a way to just lock show the desired referenced plan so that is what it shown every time until I manually change it?
  13. I can't seem to find how to change the dimension tool default to another choice besides the "manual dimension" setting? Probably just me, but I tend to use the "tape measure" a lot more than the others.