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Everything posted by mthd97

  1. Hi Bob, this information may help me with my problem. Thanks you for posting this information. I was able to install version 10 on my windows 7 PC that I recently upgraded to windows 10. I still need to find the driver so it will recognize my USB/HASP version 10 dongle. I will try that link above and see if it works ? I will let you know if it has worked for me. (I have a client from 17 years ago who wants to extend a house that I designed back in 2005) Thanks again. To DJP above, I had all my old programs working with windows vista and windows 7 in XP mode. Those PCs are dismantled now so I have to find another way to access my old layouts so the plans can display correctly. I can run X2 and view the plan from V9.5 but it will not open the layout file from V9.5. If I can’t find the correct drivers for my HASP/USB dongle I will have to find another way to run my older programs. All my CAX version dongles work fine. I have even tried connecting my old hard drives to my newer PC and have been able to access the older programs but they will not run because the HASP/USB dongle is not being recognized by the newer operating system. I am not able to get the program to recognize my HASP/USB dongle after installing the software drivers from the link to Thales support website above. I have read the support page from CA above as well. I will try asking CA support direct to see if they can help me ? Before I ask, I will try another option and see if I can locate the drivers I need on one of my old hard drives if possible ? Then if I can find it, I will try install in on my windows 10 PC. If that doesn’t work, I will then ask CA support. I couldn’t find Sentinel LDK version 8.13 but I found version 8.0.1 and tried that version because it must be version 8.15 or older to provide the legacy drivers as above. The program wouldn’t recognise the HASP USB even with the correct drivers installed. I tried it on a Windows 10 PC and a Windows 7 PC and this method did not work for me. For those above who got it to work on Windows 10, well done. I am not an IT specialist so I will leave it up to them. I did get X2 working on my windows 10 PC so I will just have to create another layout file to send plans across if I need to. At least it shows that the security lock is quite tight and that’s good. I could try boot from my old XP hard drive, if I really wanted to see if I can access my old 9.5 layout file from there. These problems cannot be helped very much because computer program operating systems are alway changing and updating. Have fun.
  2. That’s a good thing to know that “trick of the trade” for opening older files. I will give the X8 viewer method a test and see how I go. Cheers. I managed to get a link to an X8 client viewer download in this forum. Thank you to the person for posting that link. I was not able to view the CA file from V9.5 with this client viewer. I can however open the plan file with X2 but not the layout file yet. If I have to create a new layout file in X2 and send views to that layout I will do so. I know it takes quite a bit of time to do that again and I wish I could just open the old layout file from CAV9.5 with X2 as well and save a heap of time. Its a problem we just get with the continual updating of operating systems. P.S. Does anyone have a link to a download for an old CAV9.5 HASP usb hardware lock that will work on windows 10 ? Thanks again for all the help here, it’s a very good helpful forum this one. I found this thread that might help me ? “unable to install hasp 2.17 dongle for chief 10”
  3. Thank you very much for that link and resource Kbird. I was aware that I would likely have to go back to older versions of CA. I tried installing X3 & X2 on my Windows 10 PC and both programs worked fine after installing the software for the usb dongle as well. They open the plan files ok but I found that plan was done in V9.5 and I found a file called .lb1 that will not open with X2. I think It would be fine if I had an old working XP PC or laptop to install V9.5 on it. I will see how I go with an old laptop we have somewhere. Thanks again for your help.
  4. I have a house that is being extended that I designed way back with V9.5 & V10, when they were current. I have been searching for the layout files on several occasions and I can’t find them. So I think keeping the files together like Archicad does would be a good idea maybe ? But hey I don’t expect CA to be backwards compatible to that far back or to windows XP lol. I was however able to access my old XP hard drive with a cable kit. I must have misplaced the file somewhere ? Yes I did backup all my old files with usb sticks as well but just to be sure I checked my old XP hard drive. I can find my plan files but I can’t find my layout files to print my old plans from. Food for thought.
  5. Chief Architect is well and truely alive with X14. Might not seem like much but I am impressed with the ability to merge CAD layers lol.
  6. I watched the X14 new features video today. I am looking to see what you experienced users think about it ? My impression is, that the level of editing has increased quite a bit, once again. Callout linking is great as it prevents you from getting lost so easily. Layout sheet editing is great as well. We have come a long way from drawing boards and the early versions of Chief. I feel like the level of complexity can turn you into a computer geek somewhat and keep you away from enjoying a more simpler outdoors life, like fishing and watching the sunset etc. I am happy to go back to pencil and paper, a lot less complicated.
  7. You still kicking around Lew ? BIM and 3D model interoperability was something we talked about allot. Have they made much progress in that direction yet ?
  8. Yes, it can be confusing, setting and moving roof heights and we just have to accept that for now. It is not the logical way to do things in real life, as we usually build from the ground up. Lew, I agree about room height or wall locks too. This thread got side tracked to wall stud heights for a while. So what is the next step? Explode all the room module control's then regroup them after we make changes. Maybe we could have a room rebuild hierarchy? Have a lock the room height tab for each room then mark the room to move up or down or stay put after a rebuild? So these can control how the room modules move and have any adjoing stairs follow the room they are connected to? Hey, I am no computer programmer but there should be a more effective way and that's why we have SSA and upgrades.
  9. Thanks for veryfying that for us in Chief X10, Richard. You only know how good it works when you test a project inside the program, like you have done. I can honestly say that I was hoping that was the case in X10, giving room stability like you have found. I am glad I upgraded to X10 and I feel more motivated to do full timber frame split level home inside CA again now. 3d room module blocks is one way CA achieves speed but the accuracy used to drop with these room module blocks jumping around when changes are made. I don't think CA will change this system but I do think there are many more ways to gain even more stability and uniformity.
  10. Busy beta testers, I look forward to your comments on X10 when the non-disclosure period is over. Also look forward to the X10 complete upgrade list of features and improvements too!
  11. Depends on the level of customization you are aiming for ? You will never get a perfect take off system but you will get close if your houses are not too complicated. All software has limitations. Learning work arounds take time with a higher level of complications. Do your research on this site first before choosing.
  12. Hi Glenn, that was a question, that is where that came from. Thanks now I can see what you prefer to use to build your framing. CA is not going to create metal soldiers for us automatically. I am not going to waste hours fighting the program or prove that I can come up with a work around to get my framing close as possible to what I deem is standard practice for Carpenters in my area. If I have a Builder client breathing down my neck to give him the timber framing quantity so he can put in his price I would hold him up and he may miss the job. Besides I am not well enough to work overtime as a slave and not get paid for CA testing. Every person who uses CA has the right like you to choose how they use it and what extra time it takes to do their job. If you are good at using the program to produce framing, then get a job with CA producing Videos for us to save time. Thanks and I respect that you are a proficient user. I like CA to produce an unframed close to perfect model first then have it produce the framing close to what I want then edit the framing manually. Then manipulate the model so the cross section is as close as possible to perfect. Thanks mate all the best.
  13. Looks like Ceiling Plane tool is best used to define the dropped Ceiling Height ? When it comes to framing it out, it is a different ball game to get the right joist direction and build type. I was thinking that you should get double floor joists over a top plate external wall with a platform floor frame ? The programming logic needs to be more simple and straight forward when it comes to dbx settings and this is how CA becomes confusing. You guys here understand timber framing like most of us do. Most Architects tend to think spatially without the framing in mind. Maybe if we could separate the dbx to have a tab, that just shows the spaces of the rooms and separate tab for controling the structure and framing spaces and how it builds including joist direction etc.? I would rather manually edit the framing than mess with the dbx setting to get framing to build right every time for every method under the sun.
  14. mthd97


    There you have it, I am hoping for an SSA renewal discount as our dollar has been quite low for a nuber of years now. 72 cents so if SSA $495.00 US we have to pay around the $700.00 AU mark.
  15. mthd97


    I think X9 sneak peek information shows that more important things have been added to make our 3d modeling easier. I like the niche tool, cupboard counter top overhangs to all sides, cupboard doors and draws shown open. The short room ceiling etc are all good for the product for interior design. When you look at the categories CA caters for, everyone gets a specific improvement they need. For structure the sill plate set down is good too. I could go on but waiting on XX and future versions we all have to wiegh up the resources we spend on CAD product's too see if we are investing wisely. There are a few things I like about Revit a some things I don't like about it. In the end we all have limited time to make an analysis of the software we will choose and we can't know all the positives and negatives before we buy and try it out.
  16. mthd97


    Hey Jonnoxx you are entitled to your opinions and I would like you just specify the problems with Chief Architect you are having. There are legitimate things that can be fixed in CA we just have to be more patient till they get addressed. In the meantime don't get upset with us Aussies as we are notorious for making fun of each other, it is actually a compliment but it can get out of hand if not correctly understood. Take care all the best with whatever CAD software you choose.
  17. ShaneK, I started working for Contractor's like you but I was paid by them to do the design concept, design development, construction drawings and documentation. This worked well for me. Edit: I trusted these employers as they dealt fairly with me and I with them but they are getting harder to find these days.
  18. mthd97


    I was thinking of the slang word for it in the Sea Shanty songs ? Funny stuff anyway we are only kidding.
  19. I was in a very similar situation to you before going out on my own. I would not recommend you do this as there are many sharks in the water who will try to use you for free design work. Never ever work for free. Get paid in advace with a deposit to cover all the work for your design concepts and design development. Outline the costs clearly as you progress thru the job. All the best if you take the plunge.
  20. mthd97


    Blind Trust ? Or seeing specific requests applied ? 1) Curved Roofs 2) Mono Slab types 3) Subscription (SSA) 4) Ridge Capping 5) Room Devider line 6) Niche tool 7) Stair tool Improvements What else have others seen ? What do they call the punishment of throwing someone overboard and dragging them over the barnacles under the ship ?
  21. mthd97


    MM we have our own elevation display standards for cupboards and so does the NKBA in the US. We are left to make our own templates as you know in Australia with line styles and layers etc. We all expect our software to work properly too. When we had our Australian dealer, things were a bit better for us then with the template supplied. All the best.
  22. I like to search the Videos and manual first then search the forum. Then ask the big guns, old gun slingers and young guns and if that fails put in a suggestion or get another app than can do the job with minimal fuss.
  23. mthd97


    Ironing out problems, is my illustration of fixing them, the small ones take one pass, the bigger ones, take several or more passes to iron them out. As to rewriting parts of the program CA have done that in the past and will do it again if necessary. We need to show the team trust and the more we show the more response we get.
  24. mthd97


    Jonnoxx, I have had many of my specific requests applied in latter versions of CA and that is why I am still here. If you could specify clearly the problems you have with using Chief in the right section of the forum, and if they are legitimate they will get listened to and applied. I think you need to have more respect for the CEO and the work the programmer's put into Chief with the resources they have. Perfection is not possible in this world but we all aim to do our best with what we have. I don't regret having Chief in my tool box for my work since V6.0 1999. No problems no upgrades.