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ericepv's post in Curving wall at the top? was marked as the answer
You could do this a couple of ways.
Make a 3D solid from polylines to match the dimension of your wall and then make the top line a curve (you can use use a room divider to enclose your space). If you want to keep it as a wall, make a series of Kerf Cuts across the top (as per my crude example below)
ericepv's post in Door symbol won't reverse was marked as the answer
Have you tried using the 'Change Swing Side' button? It's on the lower toolbar.
ericepv's post in Tab pull on cabinet drawers/doors was marked as the answer
Not sure if this is the same hardware you used but this is what I got using a stock pull:
Core Catalog / Architectural / Hardware/ Cabinet Hardware / Pulls / Integrated Pulls
Once you specify it, check on 'Vertical Position' or 'Horizontal Position', 'Distance from Top' or 'Distance from Edge' - enter 0" or whatever value meets your needs.
Click on 'Edit...' if you need to rotate it.
ericepv's post in Pony Walls Question was marked as the answer
Just do it as a railing. Specify the height in the 'Newels/Balusters' tab and in the 'Rail Style' tab, select 'Solid' and in the 'Wall Types' tab select a block wall.
ericepv's post in Glass wall with Mullians/grid was marked as the answer
Try drawing a regular wall (you can make it narrow) and then install a large window with a very thin frame. You can then add your mullions with the standard tools.
ericepv's post in Columns placement on porch was marked as the answer
Select your rail then:
Click on 'Newels/Balusters' In the 'Newels/Posts' section, enter the desired width and spacing In the 'Type' section, click on 'Library' and navigate to your chosen column Click on 'Rail Style' from the menu and go to the 'Start /End Posts' section to determine where on the rail you want a column
ericepv's post in Curved and multilayer soffit underneath eaves was marked as the answer
I did this by specifying a profile for the Frieze & Shadow Boards...
ericepv's post in x15 no longer able to "reverse" an object was marked as the answer
Open the object DBX and in the '3D' tab, click on 'Reflect Geometry'.
ericepv's post in Corner Trim Boards was marked as the answer
You can render it in Standard style or if you want to use Vector, just delete the upper corner board then drag the lower one up.
ericepv's post in Round windows with lites was marked as the answer
Custom lites are very simple to draw, take a look at this https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00930/creating-custom-muntins.html
ericepv's post in Can I open a pocket door wider? was marked as the answer
In the 'General' tab of DBX for your door, specify 'Percent Open" in the 'General' section.
ericepv's post in Changing Cabinetry hardware positions was marked as the answer
Open the DBX for the cabinet and go to the 'Door/Drawer' tab, from there you can make the adjustment to the 'Door handle'.
ericepv's post in What am I doing wrong with the adjust sunlight? was marked as the answer
I made a few adjustments:
Camera settings - Turn off Bloom, Set Ambient Occlusion to 25%, Set lighting for 'Default Light Set'
Rendering Techniques - In Std tab set Ambient to 0. In PBR, set 'Camera Exposure' to .15, 'Daytime backdrop Intensity' to 25.
This should get you started. From here, you can adjust the lighting, sunlight and shadows and also work on your material properties.
Hope this helps -Eric
ericepv's post in Reflective Metallic Drape was marked as the answer
Thanks for the tips. After much experimentation, I found that assigning a reflective material class with high reflection value works best.