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  1. And Merry Christmas to you Doug. I prepared these for a client a couple of years ago, Christmas scene with one of their home designs...
  2. I've done several projects like this for HD users. Give me a call after the holiday and we can discuss in more detail. PM sent. - Eric
  3. What you are seeing is the joint between your interior wall and exterior wall. Make sure the interior surface of the two wall types are aligned and that should eliminate the line.
  4. ericepv


    This sounds like a job for Substance Player
  5. Glad to help, give me a call if you'd like to review. - Eric PM sent
  6. When I do a project like this (I've done several similar developments) I break it down to a few parts... Time to model the housing unit/units Time to create the lot. Do you need to grade the terrain or is it a flat lot? If the former, do you have a CAD topo map to import into Chief? Time to draw the roads and driveways. Again, do you have a CAD file of the roadways which you can import into Chief? Time to place the housing units (best to create a symbol from your house model which can then be placed on the lot (Again, a CAD file or scaled PDF of the layout will be your guide for placement. Importing a DWG of your lot is pretty simple. There are lot's of tutorials in the Knowledge Base on this, here's one Hope this helps - Eric
  7. A question for anyone who has downloaded any of the 3D Plant catalogs that are offered in the paid catalogs section - Are they enough of an improvement over the free (w/SSA) catalogs to justify paying for them?
  8. I've never been charged for any of the 3D Plants or other libraries I download with SSA.
  9. In the DBX for your polyline, go to the 'Fill Style' tab and for the Pattern, select 'Solid'. Then, in 'Pattern Appearance', select the color of your choice.
  10. I've used this site from time to time and have gotten pretty good results:
  11. On Chief, go to your Preferences (Edit / Preferences / Folders) and you can see the file path for all of your Chief folders. You should be able to just copy the .plan folders to a thumb drive and bring them over to your new computer. When I was setting up my new computer, I used to transfer all my files. It was fast and very easy to use. There is also an article in the Knowledge Base which covers this topic