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Everything posted by blayman

  1. Doug, posted my problem on the support page. Bill
  2. Is any one having trouble with elevation views in X7? I can only have one elevation tab at a time. If i try for the second elevation it is completly blank, anyone else have this problem or should I send the plan to CA. Thanks Bill
  3. Me neither, been looking for it. Bill
  4. Alan Thanks for sharing Bill
  5. Bob, I've always marked the truss as Energy Heel and raised the roof plane a min of 10in to obtain the vertical brace. Then if 10in is to much reduce it to the required height to keep the brace. As for the wedge I don't think I've ever seen that on CA details. Hope this helps. Bill
  6. Why do I have to Log In each time I visit the New Chief Talk? I just found out about the preview option and now its gone? whats up? Bill
  7. Not sure if I like this new forum or not. Some parts seem user friendly while others are not. But I guess I'll make it in the long run. Bill