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Posts posted by rwdozier

  1. I had a very similar experience! It was a two story plan and I could not change ceiling heights in some of the lower rooms below because the upper floor had varying ceilings heights (like your video shows.) I don't know if this will help in your case, but try setting all the rooms rough ceiling heights to 97-1/8". Also be sure to check the double walled areas that may create a room.

  2. Thank you for your response! You confirmed what I had figured out by trial and error. I was making it really harder than it is.


    Yes, I had changed every floor joist setting that I could find in the Default Settings. I just could not get the "Framing, Floor Joists" color to change in the Perspective Framing Overview, even by changing just ONE room's Room Specification, Structure, Floor Structure settings. I then discovered that I could make the color finally change by changing the Room Specification, Structure, Floor Structure settings in ALL (or select key rooms) of the rooms on the second floor.


    So, to make sure I understood what I had discovered and with your explanation, I set all of the floor joist settings in the Default Settings back to their original settings. And I can now "toggle" the color on and off just by selecting all second level rooms and changing the Floor Structure Settings to change the color of the "Framing, Floor Joists" color to change in the Perspective Framing Overview. I love CA!

    • Upvote 1
  3. I noticed some red lines along the interior of an exterior wall in a plan layout. I open that plan view and when viewing the first floor, and then toggling reference display, the red lines appear only on two adjacent walls of the entire plan. The issue occurs in all plan views. I have deleted the two walls and then recreated new walls. The red lines stay in place with walls moved. Any ideas?



  4. Many ways to skin a cat....


    I do this to manually archive my CA editing progress.


    123_house_01.layout - linked to 123_house_01.plan


    I copy both the above .plan file and the .layout file as follows:


    123_house_02.layout - linked to 123_house_01.plan


    I then open 123_house_02.layout and manually link it to 123_house_02.plan.


    Really, the only thing I need to do manually is link the new .layout file to the new .plan file. I have a Windows Powershell script to automate the copy of the files.


  5. My "Like New (Refurbished)" Dell purchased September 2016 ($719.00 out the door - those were the days, eh?) is still plugging along. The only upgrades I've done to it is a Samsung 960 EVO NVMe PCIe 500GB SSD and an EVGA GeForce GTX 1650 Super 4GB. I know, time for a new PC!

    • Upvote 1
  6. I have followed several threads that refer to toolbar issues. Just my 2 cents - I only use a single monitor and have only had one little issue a long, long time ago but I  remember it was a real pain to get my custom toolbars back and have never had an issue since.  Well just last week, I lost ALL toobars! Very strange and I speculate what caused it was that I uninstalled some little Windows utility plugin that I didn't care for. Well to quickly correct this issue, I simply renamed the CA Toolbars folder to Toolbars.old and then restored the Toolbars folder from my weekly backup and all toolbars are back.