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Posts posted by javatom

  1. Set your plan up to be at floor elevation of zero.  There is rarely an exception to this.  Build the terrain based on the elevations data and then move the entire elevation to where it should be.  Pretend that this survey showed a lot in the mountains and the elevation is 5000'  You would not change your floor plan the have a floor level of 5000'.  The elevation data from the survey is just to get the slope right.

  2. This picture shows what you might have going on.  The steep sloped portion of the mansard is just a steep overhang that is added to a normal 2nd story roof.  The steep part basically covers the wall that is supporting the shallower pitched portion of the roof system.  I placed a skylight in it to show how it might work.

    mansard window.jpg

  3. The ever present decision of including the stairwell or not in the square footage.  I usually include it.  It is a great tool to use when you are trying to show less total square footage to a building department.  I include it to show clients a more realistic statistic of what they are about to build.

  4. Stairs to a basement often take more space on the main level.  If the stair is on an outside wall, the basement wall might be an 8" concrete stem wall.  It might also have a 2x4 framed wall for the insulation.  In these types of situations, it is best to account for the impact of the offset right from the beginning.  Don't get to happy with a stair placement that fits into the main level outside wall without making it wide enough to also work in the basement.

  5. I think that could be done by placing an arched opening in the wall.  Make it tall enough to cut into the attic wall.  You can then drag the top of the wall down to where it does not show.  It will still generate the attic wall.  There may be other ways to do it besides this one.

    arched gable.jpg

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  6. Be careful with your material selections.  You can easily get into a scenario where the file size is so big it becomes unusable.  Many custom made materials will really drive the file size up.

  7. This picture shows insulation in the ceiling but it could also have it between the rafters.  You would just need a 1" space between insulation and the bottom of the sheathing.  Some builders will use masonite tacked in place between the rafters to insure the gap stays clear.

    vent pic.JPG