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Posts posted by Evolution

  1. Created elevation sections to use for layout.  I probably did this wrong, but I added notes and other stuff to the opened elevation camera section, then sent to layout along with other elevation camera sections.


    Since then closed reopened updated revised floor plans. After all the dealing with the missing layout files, finally got layout and plan files relinked. Now, I need to get to the elevation sections related to the layout files to revise those specific elevations sent to layout, but cannot find the original camera elevations associated? I thought I saved the ones the software asked if I wanted to save. My search however; hasn't provided ANY.

    That means (I assume) I now have to do a new elevation camera view in as close to the same location as originally done, and do all the noting, dimensioning etc., over?


  2. Doug_Park, on 06 Mar 2015 - 11:04 AM, said:

    Put your layout files in the same folder as your plan.

    Or put your plans in a folder that is in the same folder as your layout.

    There is a search order that starts in the same folder as your layout and then starts looking in sub folders for associated plan files. Failing to find your plan in the same folder or a sub folder it will fall back to looking at the full path.

    Thanks Doug. See my post to Kevin. I DO THINK I have them in the same folder now.
  3. kMoquin, on 06 Mar 2015 - 09:04 AM, said:


    You relink them through the "Referenced Plan Files" dialog box that pops up when you open the layout or accessed via the menu Tools > layout > Referenced Plan Files

    All that computer greek is essentially an address. What you are experiencing is akin to mailing a letter to your neighbor and asking why it has not arrived at your office.

    Kevin,I was finally able to get back into our FTP site (administrator changed password and didn't tell me). Downloaded plan and layout files again, checking open in lieu of saving as. I have everything linked (in the same plan/file) and opened and it appears changes I make on the plan update to the layout sheet, on this machine.

    I need to revise the sections per direction from the client who now wants all the ceiling heights the same basic heights in lieu of lower in closets, small rooms etc., higher in the main living areas.

    Since I can't change them on the layout sheets, how do I go about changing them without doing the elev camera section again and re-detailing etc?

    Also,when I finish with the updates today, WHAT's the best PLAN OF ATTACK to be sure I don't have this issue when I am back at work on my office work station?

    I plan to do both: Upload the updated and saved plans/layouts to our FTP and Also to my Drop Box. It seems the past operations I have been doing have not worked successfully thus ALL THESE PROBLEMS.

    I had also thought I would zip both the plan and layout files and email them to myself? Surely one of these operations would work?

  4. THANKS Kevin. That's all COMPUTER GREEK to me. All I know is, at home I go either drop box (account that I newly created) or our COMPANY FTP site where I had previously uploaded plan and layout files.<br />SO THAT's probably the main cause of my HEART ACHES!<br />NOT SURE how to re-link them correctly I guess?

  5. Jon is right Sketchup Pro was installed after Chief and has over written the file associations,  have a look at this KB article Bob




    you could also try this


    Start>Control Panel>Programs and Features>scroll down to Chief X7 , select it with a Right Click and Choose Repair , this should update Chief install as if it was a new install , and you should be asked to re-associate .layouts with Chief. ( as well as anything else needed)

    Mick, I DID DO the repair. Opened my latest update of the construction plans, then open layout. It took some trying over and over (not sure why) to open layout files (see the clips) finally was able to open the last updated layouts (the only ones that would even open) but I don't believe they are actually associated to the (latest updated) plan files I am working on that I downloaded from OUR FTP site. (I HAVE BEEN SAVING LAYOUT FILES WITH THE PLAN FILE in the same folder each time)

    Reason being, I experimented by deleting some info on the plan, but the layout file for that detail did not update. Also, the updates I made to the plan/layout's earlier this week (at the office) are missing from these layout sheets. Is there anyway to link these layout files (now) to the current updated plan files without starting over?


    I am stuck at home today (iced in) so if this doesn't work HOPEFULLY when I AM ABLE to get back into work, the original layout files will be on the office server. MY QUESTION THEN WILL BE..(to anyone)..after I upload the latest updated plan files to the office server, and open it/and the layout files; shouldn't they/will they auto-update each to the other?

    MY DROP DEAD DATE to get the complete docs out the door is NEXT FRIDAY!

    ALSO, if there IS A WAY to link these today, HOW can I ENSURE all the latest greatest plan and layout files make it back to the office with me. SEEMS everything I've done previously to save/upload/download either through our office FTP, Drop Box, etc., hasn't completely worked.





  6. You need to reset the *.layout filetype association at the OS level to get rid of the Sketchup error.  Did you try opening the *.layout file from within CA instead of clicking the file? 



    Jon, I chose open layout, selected the file/clicked on open, and I get a message it can't be opened. Then when I attempt the double click I get the sketch up message.
  7. Layout files missing again. I had them at the office, worked in/on them most of the day updating. Saved them to OUR company FTP site thinking this would help me when working form home. So, I get home, go to the FTP site, download the const docs, ALL AOK! Then I down load the layout files. HM, said down load complete.

    I opened my plan, when to open layout file, selected the folder the layout files are in, then get a message about this instance of sketch up pro is not licensed. WHAT????



  8. (I was unable to find the second set of Door & Window Schedules.  However, by deleting those Schedules on your Foundation Plan Level the double callouts went away.  Just one callout for each door & window.)


    Joe, I am at a loss?!? I did what you suggested and the double labels DID go away. 


  9. I created the layout sheet for schedules by first placing schedules (doors, windows, etc) on the plan, turned all layers off except for schedules, created a layer called schedules, sent the plan (schedules) to layout. When I open the plan file, open layer set SCHEDULES there are NO schedules showing (see capture). When I go to the layout sheet schedules are on, there is only one of each schedule on the layout sheet, SO HOW IN THE WORLD do I look for or find the extra schedules? How do I delete the layout sheet and start over or is that even the way to fix this. And if there are TWO schedules of each why are the door numbers for instance, not the same in lieu of for example D21 and D39 on the same door?


  10. I feel like I am posting TOO much/often on this forum, but what I am to do almost every time I open my plan something has changed. AM I LOSING MY MIND?


    This time opening an archive of my plan to see If I could use it, noticed every door / window etc now has double labels. What did I do (I can't even imagine) to cause THIS result? TO MY KNOWLEDGE I didn't activate it if there is  a tool to turn it on and off. Some of the labels appear to be consecutively numbered like D21 D39 on the same screen door.  It is the only one on that floor and in that opening! Same thing happening with window labels.


  11. MY BRAIN IS TIRED! and I've LOST an entire day of production. Hopefully (since I did save the plan on my home workstation) everything I need will be there.........but at this point I AM NOT holding my breath!

    I am new to using drop box for file sharing, however; I did use it at least three separate times over the past weekend to share the project with the client, once for prelim, once for early comments/update, and finally for the final CD's to go out to him and his contractor and subs. I had to save the files to my desk top in order to upload it to DB, and I can only ASSUME the layout files are there?!?


    Update: I did go to back up (archived) files and opened the latest I was working from here and although there are some things I had added/updated there, but of course the only good it would do is if I am unable to open the latest plan/layout files from my home work station.

  12. Sorrry to confuse.


    If you are in a plan and choose backup entire plan, no layouts that you sent the plan to will be backed up because the plan doesn't know about them.


    If you are in a layout and do the same thing it should work because the layout knows about all the plan files it references.


    Does that make things more clear?


    The use of the word plan in the menu while in a layout is a poor choice. The menu should probably be changed to something like "Backup Entire Layout and Plans" to make it more clear when you are in a layout.

    I had both the plan and layout files open. I was in layout when I did the complete back up and saved it to the file I was using to save all the files in and had to create a sub-folder within that folder in order to save the project back up.


    Countless hours of production time lost because I have to keep going back to fix things I thought were fixed AND SAVED. Finished the plans last Thurs-Fri at home. DID a complete save/backed up plan uploaded to drop-box. Client down loaded sent to printer said everthing was fine and all sheets printed out great! VERY complimentary of my work.

    Didn't work on it here in the office yesterday waiting on client/contractor comments. Just started getting them email so, I am now at my OFFICE work station. Opened my drop box account, downloaded the saved complete back up file to my work station files; opened the plan, so far so good? NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Went to open layout files the error message came up again could not find the associated file. That happened at home Friday and I followed the help instructions, found and opened the layout files, they were all there. The rest of the day at home Friday open/close program-plan saved files no problem reopened plan, opened layout files no problem.

    When you do a complete back up of the plan doesn't it include ALL associated files (.layout) also? THEN WHERE ARE THEY!

    I know CA or someone is going to say send us the plan and the steps you took that caused this.....how do you do that when all you did was save a complete back up uploaded it to drop-box, then get to your office work-station and down load it here and open it you no longer have layout files?

    DON'T TELL ME I NOW HAVE TO GO BACK AND DO ALL THAT WORK OVER AGAIN? Somebody PLEASE PUT ME OUT OF MY MISORY! Or at least KILL the CA X6 grimlins that are constantly sabotaging my work! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!!!

    Const doc Set 2.26.2015 updated 3.2.2015.zip


    I agree with Arthur about converting to text. But, you can delete columns. Double click the schedule to bring up the DBX. You have two boxes which show available and used. Move accordingly.attachicon.gifyes or not.JPG

    Thanks,Alan and Arthur; I know NOTHING is done right if you do it in a hurry. Seems like that's all I have had time to do on this one is HURRY!

    I had already opened the schedule dbx and looked at how I might edit it, of course what I need to do you can't do in it except add / delete columns etc. or least that is all I've found. I need to be able to change the text/add text/provide more descriptinve info (even in the comments col) but that requires me being able to edit each.

    I am moving on to the floor plan changes/clarifications/updates/window modifications/door revisions for now. I don't have the ID's comments anyway at the moment.

  15. After exporting the schedules to xcel for the client's ID to use/mark up, he wants me to update the finish schedule with the ID's comments/pick's/finishes/selections etc.

    If I understand the help "Editing Schedules" I can edit size and placement of columns, but from my experimentation with my schedules on the plan, (my interpretation)I have two ways to edit the text, 1-convert the schedule to a text document, then edit the lines/description/info to the ID's comments (which I assume would be all inclusive of anything written in the schedule) however; after converting to text, the schedule will NO LONGER update automatically, which I haven't been able to get it to update automattically as I previously thought anyway. According to the help, I can copy/paste into ANY document (since I haven't tried it yet not sure if I can paste it back into the schedule and then it will auto update?!? probably not).

    2- would be go in to each rooms DBX and change the items I can change (what about each wall?) finish etc? But in the schedule it's self, there is not (at least in the current FS I'm working with) a column would have to be added to provide finish direction for each wall if they indeed differ/selection by ID. I am assuming I can delete/add columns as needed accoring to the help as first stated?

    My AVAILABLE time to experiment/learn the best method is limited as before I am under the time crunch to get done.

    If you have done this and can provide the best approach it would be most helpful, as I am revising the const doc's to the clients/contractor's comments and hope to be finished this week.

    Thanks for putting up with ME!

  16. Just select the Schedule, Ctrl-C, go to your Spread Sheet and Paste.  It's that easy.

    I am doing that now and reformatting/untangling all the information. I lost some cells (but because they decided to occupy the same space) in the spread sheet. At least the ID can take it and edited to their hearts content.

  17. I thought I had already asked this question but didn't see it in my content and key word search hasn't provided the answer, so HERE I GO AGAIN, is there a down-n-dirty way to export the schedules to an xl spread sheet? It seems they are akin to the program, but the only thing I've been able to find is converting the schedules to text doc and I guess from there you could export excel.

    I'm looking into it now, but a cut to the chase answer would be GREAT all I have found currently is Click the Schedule to Text edit button, which I can't find!


  18. Joe_Carrick, on 27 Feb 2015 - 1:00 PM, said:

    Larry's right, changing the Layout to use this feature will be more work. In the long run it can be a great help - but if you're in that much of a time crunch.......

    Here's a pic of my Layout Page zero. It includes an automatic Sheet Index and more sheets than you will probably use in most cases.

    Joe, if I keep at it I will learn, but there is as someone else posted, a definite need for a "lessons-learned" or "best practice" lane for slow drivers like me to ride in!

    I DO need to learn how to set up the layout page w/ auto sheet index and use it!

  19. When you get a breath check training vids 5205 and 5219 for page and Layout tips.

    Thanks Larry I will do that, as SOON as I can COME UP FOR AIR!

    I do THANK all the folks that jumped in now and in the past (I def have asked for a lot of help but not until I felt I had reached the end of the proverbial rope). I don't like using "WORK AROUNDS" when there is a viable answer somewhere, and as Glenn Woodward pointed out, you can definitely stumble over your own feet when you resort to work arounds vs using the appropriate tools/operations.

    SO, on to the next level (maybe)at least the client called and thanked me for the extra effort today to meet his dead-line. He is having the project printed now at the printers, and if I understood him he's going out for prelim bids / const budget! I'll be a happy camper when I can post photo's of the construction and finished project. Oh yes, what really was super great was he and his team ALL got the X6 viewer and are AMAZED when they view the plan with it.

    Thanks everyone!

  20. And if they aren't they could/should be then another view sent to Layout with the Roof plan cropped out showing only the schedules. Sorry, not sure what the problem is with something as simple as sending plan views, with schedules to Layout?


    And Bob maybe you're a beginner but getting a job of that size out of Chief as an early Chief user is quite an accomplishment. Nice job.

    Thanks Larry!

    I've a LONG ways to go! THE X6 Gremlins are STILL AT WORK!

  21. ...or if you didn't set up page 0 properly to use Joe's suggestion just overlay the page number that's there with a white filled cad box and then add S-1 over the top. Down and dirty but should work for now.

    I set it up based on the user guide KB etc. I know the zero page is the master, I don't know what else I NEED TO KNOW since I believe I FOLLOWED the instructions correctly? I'll do the paste thing.