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  1. Thanks Rene, I actually had forgotten that I had placed a configuration tool in my toolbar that had the link so I got it back that way. I will keep this response, however, because there is going to be a point in the future when I will need it again...
  2. I was in the middle of working on a plan and lost my custom toolbar configuration, everything went back to the Default configuration. Pretty sure there is a way to get it back by getting the program to look at the correct location (see image) but I can't figure out how to do that. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. I have a plan that was drawn with 2x6 exterior walls and I need to match existing conditions of 2x4 walls. Is there a way to move the main layer to the inside of the wall so that when I switch the walls I don't end up with 4" of additional space on the interior? In other words I want the 2" change to occur on the outside not on the inside.
  4. There is a Reference Display Set or a Reference Display Layer Set that you will need to use to turn your layers on and off in the Reference Display.
  5. It is probably too late at this point but I have found that if I need to use off angle walls for a remodel/addition, it is way easier to align these walls with the grid and let the "as-built" portion of the plan be skewed. If you don't you will be fighting the angles through the entire process (dimensions, rotating objects, etc.)
  6. I just downloaded the latest X16 update ( and lost all my custom toolbars, is there an easy way to get them back without having to rebuild?
  7. 3D>CREATE ORTHOGRAPHIC VIEW>ORTHOGRAPHIC FLOOR OVERVIEW 3D>VIEW DIRECTION>TOP VIEW 3D>RENDERING TECHNIQUES>LINE DRAWING ...adjust the technique options to your liking. However, this only gets you part way there - there is no cut plane, so you won't see windows and doors. If you use the Delete Surfaces tool you can get rid of the ceiling and the tops of the walls to show the interior and windows/doors.
  8. @kerhansen Is there an itinerary? I am trying to work out arrival and departure times, coming from the other side of the country. Thanks!
  9. Was able to work through this with Tech Support, the update had the program looking for something it didn't have permissions to locate. Opened as administrator and was able to fix the issue.
  10. It doesn't appear to be the result of anything I am doing, it just closes after about 45 seconds even if I don't open any files. Hopefully I can speak with someone soon, just figured I would check here to see if anyone else had the same issue.
  11. Yes, reported this morning but they don't open for another couple of hours. No joy.
  12. I just ran the latest update (Build for X14 and now the program won't stay open for more than about 30 seconds, just completely shuts down. Anyone else experiencing this?
  13. Just saw this, thanks very much Robert!
  14. Use the diagonal radio button, just pull the fireplace out to where you want it. You can make other size adjustments in the dialog box.