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Posts posted by JJohnson

  1. I am wondering the same thing.  I am doing a project for a client now,  and prior to this SB being approved,  they said it was going to cost them 40K in fees to do the "Granny Flat/Acc. Unit"...  if they could find the extra parking space.


    The extra parking space was their limiting factor  (to get a RANGE in the unit).  So if they can now build without the extra  parking space,  is it still going to cost 40k in fees just to build it?  They are working with a 150k budget for a relatively easy build  (650 sf).  That 40k is 25% of their budget.


    I think there is somebody who is running for a public office who is talking about limiting governmental regulations......  I forgot his name......


    Does any of the following apply to your project ?  Is there a bus stop within a few blocks ?


    (e) Notwithstanding any other law, a local agency, whether or
    not it has adopted an ordinance governing accessory dwelling units
    in accordance with subdivision (a), shall not impose parking
    standards for an accessory dwelling unit in any of the following
    (1) The accessory dwelling unit is located within one-half mile
    of public transit.
    (2) The accessory dwelling unit is located within an
    architecturally and historically significant historic district.
    (3) The accessory dwelling unit is part of the existing primary
    residence or an existing accessory structure.
    (4) When on-street parking permits are required but not offered
    to the occupant of the accessory dwelling unit.
    (5) When there is a car share vehicle located within one block
    of the accessory dwelling unit.
    (f) Notwithstanding subdivisions
  2. Yippee, but will it trickle down to all cities or will each city make up there own laws restricting some of this.



    Good question.  I came across this, "The League of California Cities" while browsing

    for info on SB1069.  This appears to say that a city is subordinate to the state law,


    SB1069 would further restrict a local agency's ability to impose requirements on
    second units, which would be renamed "accessory dwelling units."


  3. Jere,


    The Dormer needs to fit within the roof plane or it won't place.


    Go to the Default Settings> Dormer and lower the wall height to 48" and it will place.



    That was it, wall could not be higher than roof rise I think.


    Looks like wall height adjustment is key to placing AND resizing these stubborn little guys


    Thanks !

  4. We typically use a 24" tall stem wall however when I build my foundation with default wall height set to 25-1/2" with sill plate selected, CA builds walls 40-5/8" tall. Easy enough to revise but why and where can that be set to 25-1/2" default?

    Also cannot get any sill plates to build even though they are set to build in defaults.



    You need to build floor framing, to generate mud sills ( and rim joists, as well as floor joists )



    let's talk about automatic interior dimensions.... nah, not right now lol




    this is pretty much a rant.


    I would like to bring these things to the attention of others since it's these little things that have me yelling at a screen lol




    Auto interior dimensions will place what looks like thousands of dimensions into a floor plan

    if you do a whole floor.  Better to select a room, look at the tool bar that comes up when you

    do that, then auto int dim for just that one selected room, then clean up.


    glennw pointed out that auto interior dimensions show every walls length in a room, as well

    as opening locations.  Gets so cluttered !

  6. On Aug. 30, 2016 the State of California passed a bill allowing backyard 2nd units, granny units and rental cottages in virtually all backyards in California.  The new bill does away with the extra parking requirements and the cost of using a new utility connection for each unit.  The attempt is to get 1000’s of new dwelling units built to ease the housing crisis.  The bill goes to the governor for signing by Sept. 30..  It is estimated this bill could stimulate 150,000 units in the San Francisco Bay Area alone.  


    It may be helpfull for us to share experiences we have in the coming months with this potiential market, for designing and building

    what is being called Accessory Dwelling Units, or ADUs.


    This is a continuation of the thread in the Chat Room.  I felt like that might not be the best place to share info on what is a local event.



    Here is the bill text for reference


    • Upvote 2
  7. I just went through this, and you still must draw this style truss manually.


    I settled on this method:  after setting platform structure defaults, use auto

    framing so you get the rim and sill, but make joist spacing something like 48" o.c. 

    to make deleting the joists easier.  Group select and delete, draw in desired truss

    and multi copy at correct spacing,




  8. I have designed several homes and remodel projects in which I handed over my designs to a draftsman to draw up for the permit application.

    Now, I would like to learn Chief and draw for other builders and remodelers. However, my biggest fear is making a structural mistake.


    Do you have Chief X8, and can you access this training video series ?




    If so, try it out, do not be intimidated by the complexity of the model, it's just

    an assembly of routine features.


    Keep the plan and your practice plan both open as you progress.


    I am doing it now as a refresher and getting a lot out of it.

  9. Pier and beam as in 'grade beam', which is a concrete or cmu wall sitting on grade with

    concrete piers into the ground spaced per plan ?


    You can make a blank foundation plan, draw a foundation wall, remove footing, and place piers from

    slab menu. That will then show around outside in 3D views etc.


    Elevation info not making sense so post plan or thumbnail picture.

  10. I think the problem with the auto interior dimensions is not that Chief is duplicating the dimensions, but rather, Chief is going around the enclosed room and dimensioning each wall.

    So that in a regular shaped square or rectangular room, you get a dimension for each wall.

    As it happens, opposite walls are the same length and so you get what looks like duplicate dims, but really, Chief is just dimensioning each wall.

    Try it with an L shaped room or rooms with more steps and L shapes in the walls and it becomes pretty obvious what is happening.


    And remember that some of the settings from the current dim style are applied to the Auto interior dims as well. Like formatting, setup, arrow, etc.



    That's gotta be it, good thinking.

    BTW the new lenses look great !

  11. Actually, if you set the finish layer of your wall to the proper depth of 2x the material, set correct color etc, and then come back with wall material regions that have the setting to "cut" the finish wall layer, you can very quickly duplicate those across each side of your structure. This gives you both vector and render views, and you don't have to model around the windows and doors since material regions auto-cut there.

    Here is a quick example (i didn't get the settings right but just demonstrated it could work with ease). The "recessed" area is actually the material region cutting the last wall surface.



    Wow a way to do board and batten !!


    Thanks !!


  12. I use manual for interior and use the auto exterior and clean those up.



    Helps to select one room and add auto dimensions (with the tools that appear 

    then) in just that one room.    Room by room is less crazy making for me.


    Then,  edit what you get that way, could be faster than manually doing it from start.

  13. For me speed comes from using hotkeys tied to multi-button mice.  I can open dbx's without moving the cursor.  Enter numbers with my right hand never leaving the mouse.  My left hand mouse has side buttons that I have turned into copy/paste,  but perhaps - oddly enough - my biggest time saver was mapping delete and back space to my right hand middle ( tilt-scroll) button.  Left, and down for delete - right for backspace


    Very much like my mouse set up.  Left wheel is delete, right wheel is undo, click wheel is open object, plus two left buttons

    one for space (back to select mode) and one for tab (next object).


    I have also remapped keys so I have a delete on the left side of the keyboard, and a ', or foot button above the number pad on

    the keyboard.  I also recently set up a little BonyTek number pad on the left side of keyboard, but not using it a lot yet.


    Speeds things up.

  14. .................polyline solids to cover up most of it but it doesn't work in the title bar for some reason.



    The title bar is on page 0, everything there shows up on all other pages, and therefore the

    title bar must be changed there.

  15. Second, my cursor is stuck showing the build terrain icon next to the mouse pointer. This stays on despite the fact that Im not building terrain. Choosing another tool does not change it.. seems kind of buggy but its most likely user error.



    Go to 3D View Defaults Dialog, there are several ways to get there.
    Check the box at Auto Rebuild Terrain to get rid of that symbol.
    It means something in the terrain was changed but terrain has not been rebuilt is all.
    • Upvote 1
  16. I needed to quickly place one on an as-built recently and rather than fuss

    with additional floor, I made a simple one, changed it to a symbol in library, and

    just set it up on the roof.


    I deleted the surfaces on one side so you can see the main roof is inside, as it would

    likely be framed anyway.


