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  1. I am a general contractor in Delaware. I do basics in Chief. I would like to send .plan files and have them tuned up for interior design aspects. project length: hire per interaction/project
  2. I've made the tile pattern image that I wanted to use for the texture of a new material. I don't know what these gaps are in my PBR. Thoughts?
  3. Hello, I am overwhelmed with computer specifications. I run x13 on my laptop. I am willing to get another computer with appropriate video/graphics cards but with the unlimited amount of options and customizations on the market I am stuck in analysis paralysis. I'd like to stick with Apple. If that's not the best choice then will chief architect work with me to have a shared license for a windows OS? Where do I begin?
  4. I'm trying to get my X13 to place a corner base cabinet that does not have an angled front. it's what is considered a "super susan" from Plato/Prelude cabinet line.

    1. DavidJPotter


      You open the corner cabinet's dialog and find the check box that says "angled front" and uncheck it, take a look!



  5. I've self taught myself Chief Architect and am really not a very good user of the program after about 7 or 8 years. I don't have a good understanding of where things are. I want to turn off the grid on the background and begin interacting with the community here.

  6. Hello, I'm new to chief architect. I'm a general contractor and I work on a lot of remodel jobs. frequently, the material calculator tool is useful. If only I could get the house drawn up then the material calculator tool could help. I have a project that I am trying to work on now, it involves a lot of chief architect that I don't know too well: roofs, foundations, general designing practices. I am looking for someone who's willing to go through this project with me (hand-holding) or assist in any way. I have played with chief architect for the last few months so i have some knowledge of x6. The other disclosure i have is, when I say remodels, I mean currently existing to changes needed. Ok, "Duh!", right? well, the project I am trying to get through is a house that originally was one story with a gambrel roof and garage attached to back. permits and work went underway in 2007. the roof was taken off, second story was built up, a garage was changed to living space, attic living space was added, and on and on and on. The work was stopped 1/2 way. The list is long but I have plans, pictures, and all of the bullheaded drive to get this thing done. I need to get this place designed up properly so that I can get a scope, materials, and hopefully some education to use on other projects. If you are willing to help with reviewing the mess i have designed now, conversations about separate design issues, etc... please reach out. randyj302@gmail.com i welcome all help I know this sounds like a desperate plea so thanks in advance for pointing that out. 1861 saint augustine.plan