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  1. Have you found a seller of the license you are looking for? I have X8 available. Thank you.
  2. had that problem in x8 beta, end of gables were open., had rebuild attic walls un checked. a lot of problems in x8, will not start anything till bugs worked out. can't copy and change wall types, freeze up when generating material list after roof is generated. showing material in material list for second floor when there is no floor. doing gable walls as second floor, drywall and all
  3. lot of bugs in x8, been running other versions as well until I installed x8. now cant open x7 or x6 with out it saying I can't run version why'll other version is running. thats after I have already close beta x8. have to reboot to get into x6 or x7.
  4. same problem here, Tried admin, still get program running. its to do with x8 beta, a lot of crazy stuff going on in beta. up to page and a half of questions. is there a place where I can post them? David