Dimension Extension Lines Showing Over Part of Room Label


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In the image below, you will see that I have a room label for my deck that includes the room name as well as the room (deck) dimensions.  In the room label dbx I have given the room label a white solid fill and have included the box (border) around it.  Please note that my dimension extension lines are over (visible) for the room dimension part of the label while the dimension extensions are under the room title.  Is this the way it is suppose to work or is this a bug that needs fixin?  I want the dimension extension hidden under the complete room label - not just part of it.




You can also see in the image that the dimension extension lines are under the text box for my deck floor and ceiling elevations which is what I want. 

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Is that Chief's automatic label or your own text box? I suspect that it's Chiefs automatic label which limits what you can do with it. I would personally just use my own text box along with a macro for that.

Having said that, if those top two items are Chiefs automatic labels, I would consider that a problem that needs to be addressed and would report it to tech-support.

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