Recover a copy door/window casing *from* plan --> to User Catalog


Go to solution Solved by WoodGrain,

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I have a plan that I've been working on since Chief x14.

I neglected to backup my user catalog and don't have all the custom moldings that I made for this plan in my x16 User Catalog.

I was able to rescue (Add to Library) custom crown molding & base molding from the Room Specification interface.


Unfortunately I've had no such luck with custom molding from doors and windows...

The interface (that I've been using - double click on the door) doesn't provide an "Add to Library" option.


Is there a different way to rescue these moldings and add them to my x16 User Catalog?




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  • Solution

Oh Nevermind... I solved it.

Perhaps this should stay here for others with the same issue.


Using the Full camera view I right clicked on the molding then clicked on "Find original in Library"



then selected the molding - did the search



when it said it wasn't found it gave me an option to add it to the library!



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